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rob valine

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Image Comments posted by rob valine

  1. Outstanding photo ! Great capture, perfect framing. I know how hard it can be to get close to these guys. I've been trying to photograph hawks for years without much luck. I shot one in my backyard at my neighbors feeders last year with a 500mm mirror lens handheld. Needless to say they weren't very sharp. I got to about 40 yards away before he took off. I think I got 3 or 4 soft shots. Congratulations on great photo !
  2. Nice job Peter ! This looks pretty good as it is and I really don't think there's much you could to improve on it. The detail is very sharp. You didn't mention the aperture or shutter speed. Shooting butterflies is usually a compromise between the two. Did you use a tripod ? A little more depth of field may have brought the far wing into sharper focus. I usually shoot butterflies handheld and push 100 speed slide film 2 stops to ISO 400. That way I can shoot at F5.6,F8 or F11 with a fairly fast shutter speed. With butterflies you need as much speed and depth of field as possible. It is inevitably a compromise of one or the other.
  3. These are shots of Graffiti on Trains (Railroad Cars). Although I

    don't support vandalism of any kind, you have to admit that whether

    you love it or hate it, that this is a form of self expression and

    therefore an art form and some of these are actually pretty cool. One

    of the things I like about Graffiti is that it is art for arts sake.

    The people who did these more than likely didn't reap any rewards for

    what they did and didn't expect to. They did it for the shear joy of

    creating art or being creative. Sort of like when cave men started

    painting in caves. Comments Welcome!

  4. These are shots of Graffiti on Trains (Railroad Cars). Although I

    don't support vandalism of any kind, you have to admit that whether

    you love it or hate it, that this is a form of self expression and

    therefore an art form and some of these are actually pretty cool. One

    of the things I like about Graffiti is that it is art for arts sake.

    The people who did these more than likely didn't reap any rewards for

    what they did and didn't expect to. They did it for the shear joy of

    creating art or being creative. Sort of like when cave men started

    painting in caves. Comments Welcome!

  5. These are shots of Graffiti on Trains (Railroad Cars). Although I

    don't support vandalism of any kind, you have to admit that whether

    you love it or hate it, that this is a form of self expression and

    therefore an art form and some of these are actually pretty cool. One

    of the things I like about Graffiti is that it is art for arts sake.

    The people who did these more than likely didn't reap any rewards for

    what they did and didn't expect to. They did it for the shear joy of

    creating art or being creative. Sort of like when cave men started

    painting in caves. Comments Welcome!

  6. These are shots of Graffiti on Trains (Railroad Cars). Although I

    don't support vandalism of any kind, you have to admit that whether

    you love it or hate it, that this is a form of self expression and

    therefore an art form and some of these are actually pretty cool. One

    of the things I like about Graffiti is that it is art for arts sake.

    The people who did these more than likely didn't reap any rewards for

    what they did and didn't expect to. They did it for the shear joy of

    creating art or being creative. Sort of like when cave men started

    painting in caves. Comments Welcome!

  7. These are shots of Graffiti on Trains (Railroad Cars). Although I

    don't support vandalism of any kind, you have to admit that whether

    you love it or hate it, that this is a form of self expression and

    therefore an art form and some of these are actually pretty cool. One

    of the things I like about Graffiti is that it is art for arts sake.

    The people who did these more than likely didn't reap any rewards for

    what they did and didn't expect to. They did it for the shear joy of

    creating art or being creative. Sort of like when cave men started

    painting in caves. Comments Welcome!

  8. Here's a link that you may want to take a look at Yann. http://www.northbankfred.com/tag.html


    It would seem that there are a number of people looking into Graffiti as an art form. You know.... Landscape photography wasn't an art form until Ansel Adams brought peoples attention to it. I'm glad you enjoyed my landscape and B&W photos. But, there are many different art forms and I do believe that this is one of them. Beauty is certainly in the eye of the beholder and I'll admit I've seen some things in art museums that had me scratching my head and asking myself what it was that was artistic about hunks of metal that were welded together that didn't look like anything I'd ever seen before. I guess to a welder it's art. I see a lot of photography work that really doesn't impress me much and I have to wonder what makes people think it's artistic. If someone somewhere thinks it's art, then I guess it's art. Beauty really is in the eye of the beholder and I'm sure the people who painted these believe that this is an art form. There is also a fairly strong percentage of the population who feel the same way as well judging by the responses that I've seen on the different web sites that I've been on. For the people who appreciate it, I'll keep shooting it even if it is a little controversial. Enjoy!

  9. These are shots of Graffiti on Trains (Railroad Cars). Although I

    don't support vandalism of any kind, you have to admit that whether

    you love it or hate it, that this is a form of self expression and

    therefore an art form and some of these are actually pretty cool. One

    of the things I like about Graffiti is that it is art for arts sake.

    The people who did these more than likely didn't reap any rewards for

    what they did and didn't expect to. They did it for the shear joy of

    creating art or being creative. Sort of like when cave men started

    painting in caves. Comments Welcome!

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