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Image Comments posted by lisah


    Wow, a dragonfly in a tutu. Well seen. The background is a little dull for me, would like to see a touch more colour. Cheers Lisa


    Mark this is very nice. I only wish you had moved just slightly or waited just a little bit so that the sun was directly behind her head giving more of a halo effect. The bright area above her head is just a little too much for me. Cheers Lisa


    Who could not love that face?? Nicely done. I like the small area of background too which gives a feeling of space to the image. Cheers Lisa

    Last Solitude

    Lionel, I personally prefer the colour version. The warm colours somehow increase the feeling of quiet solitude of the woman. The black and white gives it an almost sad, lonely feeling which may be what you were trying to convey, in which case I guess the B&W works better.

    "Luxury Car"

    Great image. It looks like the car on top has an evil satisfied grin after defeating the wreck on the bottom. The sky adds to this feel and it works well in black and white. Cheers Lisa


    This looks like a pretty place to visit but as a photo there's not much to hold my interest here. Maybe shot at a different time to get more reflection in the water would help. Now if you could just get that swan to come back and pose for you again. :~} Cheers Lisa
  1. Beautiful! I tried to take a photo very similar to this last weekend but yours is so much nicer. The bottom right corner is just a little too dark for me though. My eye is drawn to the sun, I follow the reflexion down throught the grass and end up looking at the dark corner. That could just be me though. Cheers Lisa
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