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Image Comments posted by lisah



    Tiffany many thanks for taking the time to comment, I appreciate the feedback.  Congratulations also on POW, very well deserved recognition of your work

    girls and pearls


    I added this photograph to my favourites a few weeks ago so was pleased to log on today and see it as POW.
    As a mum this image WOWs me on an emotional level, whats not to love about that gorgeous face and pretty blue eyes. As a wannabe photographer it's an image that impresses me on a technical level. Deceptively simple in its execution, simply lovely

    CRW_4440-3 sml


    Thank you Richard, yes I have a colour version but the colours in the garden and the bright red berries on the ground are very distracting.

    Thank you Nasledik.

    Ashlee sml


    Thanks Les, that's a very natural looking result, I like it a lot.  Do you do your adjustments in photoshop?  I have lightroom only, which obviously I need a little more practice on.  Thanks again.  cheers, Lisa

    Ashlee sml


    Hi David,  thanks for taking the time to take a look.  I like the colour adjustments that you did and levelling the eyes does make a difference.  I think I will play with the RAW file a little and perhaps repost the adjustments.  cheers, Lisa

    Ashlee2 sml


    Thanks Jerry and Les, it's nice to receive some constructive criticism.  I appreciate you taking the time to comment. Suggestions duly noted

    "Rushing In"


    Fantastic capture.  The smooth rocks draw my eyes to the water wich drag my eyes out to the sky.  My eyes follow the line of the clouds across to the large rock and down to the smooth and I start again.  This is the type of image I want to capture.  Thanks for sharing.  Lisa

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