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Image Comments posted by emeka_emembolu

  1. I walked past this sculpture outside a Salvador Dali exhibition, in broad daylight, and

    completely missed it! On my way home, I noticed it again, and with a low heart tried to get

    a good picture of it, but it was far too dark to get a reasonable picture. However, after

    trying my miserable best to lighten it up, I appear to have ended up with a rather spooky,

    stock footage looking thing. Curious to know what folk reckon. Thanks, Emeka



    I seem to be building up something of a London-centric portfolio, and this is yet another

    addition to the set. I was walking into the evening sun when my girlfriend made me take a

    backwards glance. The setting sun really enhanced the colours on the street, and the odd

    flashes of red seemed to bring the shot to life.

    Do let me know what you think.

    Thanks, Emeka



    Quite pleased at how this shot turned out.

    While there's no central subject, I think it's possible to stitch together and interesting

    tapestry of the diverse people in the shot.

    It was taken in a very Italian looking Plaza in central London.

    Appreciate any comments.




    A really good shot, and very intriguing.

    What are they digging for?

    In any case, I can't think of anything about this picture I don't like. The colours are great (how did you manage them?) Good earthy tones contrasted by the splash of green and red.

    The scene itself looks so natural, it's like they didn't know you were there, and I love the angle.

    I wish I could take such good pictures.

    Well done.

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