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Image Comments posted by alvinyap



    Ignoring the blown highlights, I am wondering about the saturation of the beak, it seems slightly over saturated. And I'm a fan of over saturating my images :) Also, the head is cooler than the warm body, I wonder how the image would look like if they were balanced, or even toned black and white. It does give a color contrast between the two elements though.


    That's a good shot, wish I could get something like that!



    Wild Duo


    Hi there!

    Caught this on the front page. I think the lighting is superb, and that these are wild critters its amazing. However, I would think that if the framing was a bit more to the right, it may work better. The darker colored horse seems cramped in on the right side. An alternative would be to do a portrait crop on the lighter colored horse alone which I would think would work exceptionally well contrasted against the dark landscape.


    All the best!



    Koala R&R

    That's some wicked claws! Was taken with the wider focal length of your lens? I've never remembered Koalas having such long claws! Good job with the composition, arm leads to the face and the eyes lead back to the arm.


    Unworldy! I almost want to go out and buy photoshop right now! My only comments would be the line between the front paws, and the triangle shaped tuft of fur at the top of the head - I wonder how this image would look with that part (the trangular patch of fur) were the only part of the image that was non symmetrical, just to break things up.



    I'm certain you are fighting with the lack of DOF here, but I think this picture would get maximum bang with the nose area in focus.


    I like the framing, though I wonder if framed 3:2 horizontal would work as well to eliminate the empty dark areas.


    Great capture though!



    Carey evans, just as a final though, though you did ask for a critique, and you have received both positives and negatives, keep in mind who the picture is shot for. If it's for yourself, and you like it, IMO it's all that matters. If anyone cares to take a look at my "gallery" or the stuff I shoot (few posted; I do not have a scanner and I discarded digital after discovering slide film), believe me, I'll say 99.99% of the world will say I shoot crap. So what. I like what I shoot - "boring", "dead", non-moving buildings.


    Hope you do not get your work affected by the negative comments, or can use them to improve, if you find 'em valid!


    Once again, this POW is fantastic. I sure would like it on my wall, though I doubt I can afford it.





    I love this! Texture of the cinnamon makes it stand out from the background. Surrounding background "texture" seems to frame the subjects.



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