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Wild Duo


70mm handheld; f11; iso40070% - 0,7 pix unsharp mask in PS. Now I think it's too much but the original RAW file is corrupt :(


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A beautiful image, great light and fantastic background. I'm amazed you were able to get this all in focus and maintain the speed to keep the horses in focus.
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Edward! Foveon sensor is OK picture quality wise. However, there are a lot of things I'd really like Sigma to improve on..mostly low contrast AF and noise performance.



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The place is remote and roughly 8-10 hours by car changing to 4x4 truck once. Then, there's a 6 hour horse ride, and you're there. Solo journey is impossible.
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Dear Konstantin

I remembered you are also here on Photonet which I am too although I tend to forget:-)

This photo is one of many that just leaves me breathless. The horses running free in this awesome valley, the light and tones - it gives me happy goosebumps and also a feeling of melancholy knowing that I?ll probably never get to see this place.

Be well


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Hello, Annemette,


What a pleasant surprize! I haven't expected to see you around here.

I am back here posting again. To my horror I have just discovered that my account has been comporomised and a lot of ratings were handed out as if I did it myself.


Have a good day, Annemette! Be seeing you.


Best regards,


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This is an amazing landscape! You captured it great with the horses in the foreground. Wonderful. Would love to go there one day.
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Really first class...the land, the light, the colors and, as I said on the previous one I commented, the horses really bring it to a further level...there is so much harmony coming from the colors and smooth light...thanks for sharing this beauty Konstantin...I also appreciated the desciption on how to reach this place...well it is quite evident from the photo that it cannot be reached easily...wonderful things require efforts...always !
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Hello, Laurent,


Thank you for your kind comment. For me, these days it's getting tougher almost in geometrical progression to select a decent photo from the workflow to post anywhere. The more it takes, the more you do, the lesser the output. lol Thus, I am not a frequent guest on PN. Hopefully, I'll manage to break through the blank streak.


Best regards,




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