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Posts posted by cgarrett

  1. I am printing them myself and I am getting pretty good results, I was just wondering

    if I am making it harder for myself by using a difficult film to expose properly. Since I

    don't have a meter that can handle night shots, I mave been mostly just bracketing

    exposures, starting at 5 seconds then going to ten, etc., but I have had a few pretty

    hard to print negatives. I also wanted to know what films are espescially well suited to

    this sort of photography. Since I am in the process of getting a camera with a more

    versatile meter, I will definitely try out acros at night. I have used that film for studio

    lighting and I really loved it. Thanks a lot!

  2. I have been starting to get into night photography, mostly shooting Ilford FP4+, and I

    really like it except for the fact that my best shots seem to be off of the proper

    exposure just enough to be unprintable... (I have been using a Nikkormat FTn, so

    metering has been out of the question, but I am about to upgrade to a Nikon FE with

    aperture priority) Anyway, I hope someone on here can help me out with my question:

    Which b+w film has the widest exposure latitude, or is otherwise very well suited to

    night photography? I am not the biggest fan of grainy prints unless the shot really

    calls for it and the grain is very pronounced, so the finer the grain the better. Thanks!

  3. although I am a bit strapped for cash to spend on photo gear, I sprang for a very nice

    multi-coated B+W UV filter to switch between my lenses (a big benefit of having only

    52mm filter size nikkors), because I cannot have the luxury of shooting with a 'naked'

    lens due to the fact that I mostly shoot black and white film, which is much more

    sensitive to haze-inducing UV light. My point is, if you have the choice between one

    good filter or a bunch of cheap-o filters, go for the nice one and switch it between

    your Nikkor primes. You'll be glad you did it.

  4. my 50mm f/1.4 pre-AI Nikkor has given me some pretty good results, but it can be

    succeptable to the little hexagon things. The trick is to either stay away from strong

    light sources, or to overexpose a little.


    On a side note, is it true that if you set a nikon FE to auto mode, it will meter a long

    exposure perfectly?


    <img src='http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/2776727-md.jpg'>


    <img src='http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/2776706-md.jpg'>

  5. if you are looking at zooms for travel, then you will definitely want one that can go

    pretty wide (24-35mm) and goes out long enough for portraits (105mm). You will

    find these lengths more usefull than a zoom that starts longer and goes out to super-


  6. In my recent quest to find some good used lenses, I have run across a lot of third

    party lenses with enticing price tags, but I am terrified that I will end up with a dog

    even if the lens is in great condition. My question is this: can any of these third party

    lenses be comparable to the quality of our reliable old Nikkors, especially in the used

    market? I am sure that there are a few acceptions to the crappy third pary lens

    generalization, but are there any specific brands that have a high standard of quality?

    I am not very lens-savvy, so I am very curious...

  7. I'm not sureif this is how the f3's film counter works, but check the top of the groove

    where the film door closes, and see if there is a little gap or hole along the right side,

    and see if any light seal foam has gotten in there and clogged it up. that's all I got...

  8. <img src='http://www.luminous-landscape.com/images/Carrier-M2.jpg'>

    <img src='http://www.luminous-landscape.com/images/Carrier-M1.jpg'>

    I think that if you were carrying a wide angle lens and a normal lens (ie, no huge

    zooms or teles), one of these guys would be great for carrying around with a lighter

    body like a FE. A little gangly, but much cooler than a fanny pack.... I have a salvage

    Nikkormat, so I might try to rig up one for myself, does anyone have any tips/


  9. I just recieved an MD-11 motor drive in the mail from KEH, and it is

    not working... I believe that the battery holder is to blame, because

    when it is screwed into the motor drive, the bottom of the holder is

    not flush with the rest of the unit. I know that KEH does their own

    repairs on some of their used items, so is is possible that they sent

    me an MD-12's battery holder by accident? The bottom of the MD-11's

    battery compartment has a sort of dove-tail thing to ensure a proper

    fit with the battery holder, but the holder which I recieved does not

    have the same configuration of ridges. I got a great deal on this

    winder, and I would hate to see it go without giving it a shot at

    solving the problem, so could some kind soul please have a look at

    their MD-11 or MD-12 and see if I am correct? Thanks!

  10. I seem to notice that on all of the lens rating websites, the E series lenses have a

    much wider range of rating (for example, a 50mm f/1.8 Nikkor lens might recieve a

    4.3 out of 7 rating, while a 50mm f/1.8 E-series lens would recieve a 3-4.5 out of 7).

    This leads me to believe that the lenses can be good as long as you don't get the bad

    apples (i guess since Nikon didn't classify them as Nikkor lenses, their inspection

    policy went a little lax), so choose your used series E wisely. They aren't multi-coated,

    but I have read somewhere that because of their simpler optics, the coating isn't

    necessary, and it was used when needed on some series E models.

  11. Thanks for your advice, I think I will look into the 3rd party booster

    battery (does anybody know what companies made them and

    where I could find one?). The conditions I will be shooting under

    will definitely be sub-zero, so do you think I should get/make an

    external battery pack to stick in my jacket?

  12. Is there any way to boost the slightly wimpy 3.5fps speed of the Nikon MD-11 (I'm

    using it on an FM body)? I just bought one from KEH for 30 dollars (bargain condition,

    so my fingers are crossed...) simply because it was the only option for a motor drive

    for my camera, but I would really like to squeeze any speed out of it that I can for

    skiing series shots. I am worried that the cold could suck some of the juice out of it

    too, lowering the frame rate even more. Have any of you tried to/ succeeded in

    souping up a Nikon motor drive? Is there any sort of governor in the camera or in the

    motor drive that keeps it below 3.5fps? Would a simple cleaning and lube of the

    camera and motor drive help? Thanks.

  13. If you can find an AI 50mm f/1.4 Nikon lens, then you can simply

    measure where the notch starts and stops on the AI lens's

    mount and replicate it on yours. I have the same problem (and

    the same lens, in fact), and I posted a question about this a few

    days ago, and there are some great links in it. This link is

    helpful, and he seems to know what he's doing-



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