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Posts posted by antonrussell

  1. This is something I looked into myself about a year ago - my list of options would be: Olympus XA; Yashica T4/T4 Super/T5; Ricoh R1v (35mm, NOT the digital Caplio R1v - A Google search on this camera is hopeless); Konica Hexar AF. I have the Olympus mju-II which is well reviewed and great for the money, but no manual features.
  2. I just bought a Yashica Mat 124 the day before yesterday as a first ever medium format system. This has the Yashinon f3.5 lens which according to my web research is also very good - no idea how it compares to the Lumaxar. The first roll of NPS is at the lab now. The light seals probably need replacing and some of the movements are a bit gritty, but when it's CLA'd I have high hopes for it. The lens seems imaculate. The plan is to use it with Astia/Velvia and landscapes.
  3. What is the resolution of your sensor? How 'clearly' do you need to 'see' the projectiles? This will determine the reproduction ratio that you need to achieve. What is your budget? Also, what is the <i>minimum</i> working distance that your gear can provide - closer is better!<p>


  4. No. Depth of field depends on focal length, aperture and magnification ratio (or distance to the subject). In practice, a smaller area of light capture medium means that to frame the same subject you would use a lower magnification ratio or a shorter focal length lens, and this is what makes the depth of field increase.
  5. Many people find 90-105 mm macros give ideal working distances with 35mm. So given the multiplier in the working distance to frame the same shot on the D70 the 60mm 2.8D might not be such a bad choice. Plus its cheaper & lighter than the 105mm and just as good quality.
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