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Posts posted by villiam_shahvosian1

  1. John I do have her book but one thing that is not clear to me, is when I'm doing image fransfer the sticky substance should be transfered along with the dye to the reseptor or not? It's talking about the lift off but I'm not sure it should not be lifted up from original negative or from the reseptor!!!
  2. Hi every one, I took 4 outdoor pictures on a sunny day, and it gave a nice

    bright pictures. But I had to adjust the exposure like +1 stop with T-669 film.

    Now I had to try one indoor at a night time. So when I took the picture from

    the kitchen at night time with flourecent lights on, the picture came out dark.

    There was something in the pictue but I could hardly see it. I didn't hand held

    it thought. I know it was not enough light to give me good print, Or is that

    the case? I don't know! Can anyone tell me why and what are the shutter speeds

    plus apatures on these cameras?



  3. Very helpful, thanks you all. But now I think I have a problem with the battery compartment. Does any one have a picute of the battery compartment of 250. there are two wires one black which is connected to a white plastic head but balck is there attached to nothing. I took three 1.5 volt batteries just to tetst but when I trigger the shutter in different lighting the speed sound the same. Any thoughts?
  4. I am selling my beseler/minolta 45A head unit on ebay. but I took the picture

    with the whole unit, meaning with the omeag D-5 unit. this guy is telling me to

    sell the adapter brackets too. I don't get his quetion? So he wrote me

    again "The adapter brackets are the vertical metal brackets depicted in your

    photo that attaches to the unit housing and the lift levers". Is he talking

    about the whole unit or just a unit that the light head sits on it. If he is

    talking about a part of the enlarger if I sell it, would I be able to sell the

    rest of the unit the Omega D-5?

  5. Hi everyone,

    This might be a stupid question but I ask anyways.

    What role does NaNO3(aq) or NaCl(aq) play in an albumen print? You guys know

    The raction of NaCl(aq) + AgNO3(aq) = AgCl(s) + NaNO3(aq). What I am trying to

    say is, can I just mixed AgCl(s) with gelatin and sentisze the paper only after

    I do the above reaction of course?

  6. Yes Jacopo the difference is very little. I had to click on the zoom three times to see the difference on both images. But there was a difference and it was surprising for me to see that because I didn?t know each browser or what ever they are called have distinct parameters. But I was just hoping I am not losing any quality when I am sending out to get some prints done. The same way I saw the difference between two different browsers. That's all
  7. I do save in sRGB color space, quality at 12 in standard.

    But for now forget about how I save. The picture strait coming from my digital camera viewed in Photoshop is much sharper then it is viewed in window picture and fax viewer. Try it for yourself. Minimize the picture in windows picture and fax viewer bring it next to the same picture viewed with Photoshop and you will see the difference.

  8. I am so sorry everyone I meant .PSD not .PDF.

    And Rainer sorry it was just a cyber error. I was so tiered I didn?t know what I was writing. What I meant was when I preview the same image saved in jpeg with ?windows picture and fax viewer" it?s not as sharp as when I view the same file with Photoshop! But Jeff already mentioned ?Ignore the Windows viewer, it's not intended for printing or other critical photographic applications?.

    But I guess I should not worry saving the file in any other format but jpeg if it?s intended for printing.


    Thanks everyone for your time.

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