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Image Comments posted by lars_brorson_fich

  1. Maybe I'm wrong, but it seems as if your production for the last year or so has changed markedly. More and more often you think already when you see the thumbnail "it must truly be a painting." Even the other more “naturalistic” street pictures, that are now mostly in color, have gotten something "painting-like" in their compositions. What has happened to you Jack?

    # 334 - crop 01


    You're right Jack - the bag really annoyed me, but I can’t crop it out without cutting her head, and it would really mean a job to get rid of it using layer masks because of the damn stripes.

    re. Lars

    # 333


    Hi Jörg and Jack

    Well, what caught me was the combination of the classic "alone on a desert island" situation - even a very small, hopeless and hostile island - and the mans attitude. His posture seems proud to say "I am the prime minister on this island". I thought it was kind of funny.

    Re. Lars

    # 327


    Hi John

    Many thanks for your comment. The "pale" expression is not due to overexposure, but are created deliberately, primarily through the use of the middle slider in the "levels" and using "curves", so the histogram is, in principle, ok - details in the highlights are just very weak. I've done it to try to create an impression of a pale, white, clean, clear and hard-to-reach, distant world - that is what you might call for "artistic" reasons rather than technical purposes. Whether I have succeeded with my artistic goal I will leave to others to judge - comments will be welcome.

    Re. Lars

    # 325


    Hi Stephen and Richard.

    Thanks for your comments. You point exactly at the dilemmas in the picture, that I myself have struggled with and about which I admit I have not reached any final decision. I have let water stripe in the foreground be and I've increased the contrast in the foreground, trying to create a depth effect in the picture, which is otherwise very two dimensional. I know exactly where on the curve in "curves" the trees are located, and can regulate them and in the sky behind them pretty accurately. If I make them darker the depth in the images disappears but in turn it becomes more "iconic" etc. If I make the picture to "iconic" I think it tends to turn it into a cliché. I have tried to remove some of the smaller trees between the large trees. I'm usually fairly good with the use of layer masks, but it proved almost impossible because of subtle differences in the gray. Thanks’ again for your comments. I will struggle on.

    Re. Lars

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