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Posts posted by jasper1

  1. I'm a painter. I work in oils, using layers and glazes and it often takes me MONTHS to make one painting. Since I usually have more than one painting in progress at any one time, because oil paints can take weeks to dry before starting the next layer, I do about a half- dozen paintings a year.


    You are creating mostly from your imagination and anything goes.The above blurb is pure mechanics,


    A photographer takes from life as it happens in that moment of time;a far far greater challenge.

  2. PAUL NEUTHALER , JAN 14, 2006; 12:11 P.M.

    Trevor, take a mirror self-portrait with your new ttl.


    TREVOR HARE , JAN 14, 2006; 12:33 P.M.

    I'll not be doing any self portraits.


    VIVEK IYER , JAN 14, 2006; 12:47 P.M.

    Hear, hear!


    ERIC ~ , JAN 14, 2006; 02:21 P.M.

    "I'll not be doing any self portraits."

    We all said that until we got Leica's...you will be


    Dude the world is calling from the north pole to the other one.

  3. It was not a very big tin can, or a very big stone. But it made a lot of noise which dudes could hear. They liked to hear loud noises it simplified their thoughts. Thinking required effort and it could hurt,


    Bigger the loudspeaker bigger the noise.


    The desire to follow is helped by noise it's easy to follow. Dudes could create a chant together.


    Together was important.

  4. very nice dudes, everything in it's place and everything in a place. Nothing like institutional ritual.


    A library is a wonderful place of knowledge.


    Spontaneous random Art, frowned upon by the many, but sort out by the few.


    We are one in our togetherness. Togetherness is happiness.

  5. D200 would be a logical progression from a successful D70 tenure. if not, how many camera systems does one buy, and sell, before the obvious shines through?


    My goodness.Is this dude some sort of human robot? Creativity is about being trying different tools and different perspectives of creavity.


    It worked out with this but i'll think i'll try this just to see.

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