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Posts posted by watermelon

  1. Has Anyone had any luck keeping their Apple Mighty Mouse working?


    I got one in September for my iMac and by January the trackball (for document scrolling /

    zooming) had packed up, and despite my very best cleaning efforts would not scroll down,

    only up and not properly. When a fault occured with my iMac in Febuary I sent the mouse

    back aswell and received a new Mighty Mouse, but now the same thing has happened!


    It seems they have a lifespan of only a few months! This is a great shame as it is otherwise an

    excelent product. Any tips of cleaning that tiny ball?? Apple's instructions wern't even worth


  2. Same happened on my FE2 after a drop off the top of a bus. Tiny bit of blue-tac has done the

    job admirably. (only other damage was a wonkey hotshoe - can't find a bodge for that but

    havn't needed that since buggering it so all is okay)

  3. Hiya, I remember visiting a website from a link on PN which I greatly enjoyed.


    It was by a practasing photo-journalist in London, with a whole section of tips / tutorials with

    great examples of his work and how he used a particular aproach for each assignment.


    Am starting to do some similar work and would love to find the website again, or at least his



    Any ideas people?


    Thanks a lot!

  4. Most food type shots will end up on websites and menus I would have thought, making the need for a D200 pretty useless. Also when I've tried I always found the kitchens far too small, so I would not recommend the 105mm. Your idea of a 60mm Micro sounds great. Used if possible, then spend the extra money on lighting. The new macro system looks cool, if not at least 1 SB-x00 and a modifier & stand with money spare for a backdrop / table.
  5. no such lens as 18-70 2.8. There is eithor the 28-70 (not realy wide enough for digital) or the 17-35 (or whatever) that you can use. The 17-55mm lens is DX only as I understand, meaning you cant use it on your N80.


    17-35 (aprox, I cant remember) is your best option. the 'right decision' is up to you!

  6. Fair enuf. Your 2nd list is a bit more realistic.


    Try teaching someone to use photoshop who is a confident printer with enlargers and then teach it to someone who has never developed a film - see how much easier it is if you have an understanding of the wet procces!


    If your parents can afford to send you to private school im sure you can afford a few rolls of hp5 a month so you can't realy use that argument!

  7. Okay thanks for your ideas and responses. Sorry Larry - i'll keep it!


    Have come up with a workaround until I can afford to move on and up...

    If I focus close then wind on I can then focus where I need it and shoot. Then repeat.... Going to be tedius but if I remember should work. Deffinetly moving smoother after a day of tripping the shutter...

  8. When I tried to network my iMac and XP Home machine through a belkin router I could see each computer but not acttualy share. But the one thing that did work effortlesly was moving my music through the sharing feature built in to iTunes! (needed an applescript to actualy keep the files though.) Bugged me that that proved they connected fine and XP Home has just been retarded enough to make you buy XP Pro tho.
  9. Oh, noticed it fires quite reliabley now as long as the bellows are fully extended! If I focus a little bit further away and fire it eventualy stops triggering.


    Somewhere in the middle the shutter trips whilst I return the winder handel upright. How odd! Not realy prepared to pay for a CLA as I only paid little over 50gbp for the camera and who knows what a repair would cost.

  10. Hiya,


    I have just bought a Yashica Mat 124G used. It apears in perfectly

    good condition, with no marks on any glass and all levers performing

    as I would expect them too, etc.


    Loaded it with a roll of old 120 to see if it went through properly

    and was a bit mythed to realise I could only get the shutter to fire

    on just a few shots per roll. The shutter simply didnt click some

    times, however after rolling on a few frames maybe I could get it to

    click properly. I think it may have exposed about 5 frames of that roll.


    Used some different settings for each shot, and the timings sounded

    right when it did trip.


    Film is at the lab now, will see what if anything comes back!


    Anyone able to tell me much about this system??


    Thanks a lot.

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