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Posts posted by karl_keung

  1. i support the idea of a M digital back, a M digital body at its present forecast price tag will

    never take off, and we know digital body does not hold any value. I will pin my hope on

    cosina/zeiss/epson in rolling out an updated version of the RD-1 before the Leica MD

    comes out.


    looking at the M body development, it reaches its zenith at M3, it has been going down

    slope ever since.

  2. a coll. summicron strkes the best balance between performance and handling, it is not

    pricey, takes standard E39 filter and hood, does not obstruct viewfinder of my IIIf. The RS

    Elmar is fine too, but difficult to use and its accessories are exotics, valoo etc.

  3. I have seen a M4 fitted with lug from M6 or later models. We all know the damge which

    can be caused by using those early Leitz leather belt, with its steel ring, which Luigi still

    uses now! The modern Leica nylon belt is very easy to use, and save a whole generation of

    Leica M from ugly disfiguration. (the next disfiguration is the Leica meter.)

  4. Leicaflex Original, like M3, is a no nonsense camera; Leicaflex SL/SL2, like M5, tried to

    introduce some improvements, with its increased height and size.


    Leicaflex Original feels just right in hands (my hands anyway, which has grown to suite

    M3). Leicaflex SL/SL2 seem just a bit too large. Leicaflex Original I believe is also heavier

    than the later SL/SL2. Its back door is heavier and one can immediate feels the difference.

    Mirror lockup is another nice touch.


    Have a re-silvered prism installed, Leicaflex sits very comfortably along with M3, two of

    Leica's best, never sinced equalled in workmanship and self-confidence. The only Leica

    which has not been invaded by those collectors on ebay, I am happy to say.

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