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Posts posted by karl_keung

  1. for its selling price, one would expect for more, a good eye relief is the only virtue that Leica should learn from, and as to the focusing patch, the Zeiss/Cosina sucks, there you have no eye relief: move your eye a bit away and the patch disappear altogether, and it has none of the MP snap and contrast. Remember, it is the focusing patch that makes the focusing easy and fast, the viewfinder is just for framing, not for focusing. It is a pity to see Zeiss has teamed up with Cosina, rather than Contax or Konica/Minolta. Well, can't blame Zeiss, Contax and Konica have all opted out now.
  2. thanks, and is there any sigficant different betweent the first generation acute matte introduced in the 1989 and the later D type introduced in 1996? and if i am to install one in a 500c camera, do I have to rip off the metal frame thus making it no longer useable on other bodies?
  3. the new black paint on the latest MP sucks.



    i will be sending three M3 to Luton soon, two for black paint and one for finder re-silvering and re-gluing, the whole finder prism has dislodged itself during its journey to me from overseas, this is the first i have seen a blacked out viewfinder.

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