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Image Comments posted by geri

  1. The tones, lighting, and landscape remind me of Maxwell Parrish's work. The pink gliding over the water and touching part of the sky is lovely; makes you feel the freshness of the dawn.


    Frank, I know what you mean. This keeps making me look at it, and the more I do, the more I like it. This photo isn't deserving of saying only, "nice color!" ...But, darn, that's what I keep thinking...
  2. My "Snoopy" dog actually had the name "Puppy Love" printed in bold, yellow letters on his red shirt. I didn't know it was a reference to romantic love... I was 6! So, I thought that was his name, (and wondered why my parents giggled every time I asked, "Where's Puppy Love?")


    Well, I took Puppy Love everywhere: the supermarket, friends' homes, exhibits that my parents took me to see... My Mom used to say, "We need to get you a special book bag; then you can take him to school." I didn't know she was joking. Still waiting for that bag.


    When I toured overseas in college, Puppy Love went along with me; it was too grand an adventure to go alone. During one stop, I took note of my luggage, and realized something felt...wrong. I had left Puppy Love on the plane!


    To shorten the story, (too late!), I did retrieve Puppy Love after running to the plane, at break-neck speed. But the event made me realize how a simple gift given to a child can become the embodiment of all things sentimental; victories, sorrows, memories... It was very special to me that you shared your photo, with the story behind it. Thank you again, and also for your time reading this. Have fun on your special day! :D

  3. I always feel melancholy when I see a forlorn piano.

    Your capture of this is effective and beautiful.

    I almost hear melodies of old times emanating through these strings...

    Your photo has made this piano sing once more.

  4. Wow, what great patterns and complimentary tones! But have you a smaller "medium"? Many people will not be able to see this entire picture without scrolling . : )
  5. The lighting, angle, and clarity of your train are great. It stands out very well against the blurred clock and well-lit trees. As for the clock, it adds a reminiscent feeling to your picture, and even moreso after I read the background you gave.

    Speaking of gifts, I have one present that has endured since I was 6. It's a stuffed dog that was made to look like Snoopy. You can best believe, there is no comparison with the condition he's in and the state of your train! :) Thank you for sharing your picture and your story. May you have many joyous years to come! :)

  6. Wow, this keeps leading the eye in, and deeper, and yet futher on. From the dark borders to the fogged openness, and then the discovery, there is a path leading......... ? Truly inspiring.


    The lines of this are very appealing. Looks like something woven by an immense spider, with an eye for the future. Maybe that spidey sense was tinglin', it knew change was coming.

    My Tresure Chest

    LOL, BJ, I thought someone was going to impale me for mentioning that. By the way, I bet you couldn't wait to use that title! ;) (Or maybe that's just me, overreacting again.) : )

    My Tresure Chest


    Wade, this has a pleasant element of surprise; there is the old chest, with a shock of color from these fresh looking flowers.

    At first, this looked like an area "untouched" for years; the nature just goes on, blooming inside this chest, year after year...

    But the little white tab on the left faded this fantasy of mine.;)

    Overactive imaginings aside, this is quite lovely. The earth tones make those flowers sing!

    Sun's Revelation.

    The beams streaking through the early haze gives this an ethereal quality. I love the contrast of the glorious rays and the man's silhouette. Stunning, and at the same time, peaceful.
  7. What a unique pose and composition! I've never seen anything quite like this. The outstretched arm is like a human branch, and this baby has sprouted from it. I love the way his hand perfectly curves around the head. Beautiful in many ways, and they look so connected.
  8. Hi, Cristina, that is indeed an interesting and eye-catching engine! Thank you for sharing this. Your first post here is certainly noteworthy; got the attention of almost 1,200 people! I hope you will be able to display many more in the future... Warmest regards. : )


    I see shapes and dreams in ordinary things; but I don't have to use imagination with this image, the figure leaps out on its own! If I had large rooms and more money, I would have a whole collection of these on display. Very creative and certainly unique!


    I love the bold shadows, and the tones! This also looks like a long walkway going into "the unknown". Offers a variety of interpretations, very creative!
  9. "Nice contrast but it looks blown out in spots... "

    I agree. Also, the warm tones are lovely, and this woodwork is amazingly intricate; but there is not enough clarity to really 'showcase' the details. (Note: I'm not a photographer). : )

    Water drops

    Like you, I enjoy the formations that falling droplets take. You captured this at a good moment, where we can see that there has been motion, yet the drop has already detached from its source. The specks on the faucet caught my eye; I would like to have seen the metal as "shiny" as the drop. Not saying it to offend, I'm not a photographer; that's just what I noticed. : )


    Your picture has beautiful colors, and great clarity. Even the flower itself stands out, because I don't encounter this species in person. But, would you mind posting a smaller "medium"? Even with 1900 x 1200 screen resolution and a 17 inch monitor, this is far too gigantic to fully appreciate. : )
  10. ...but not this time! I didn't have to look at the title to see the figures; they come right out at you! The vibrance of the colors gives life to the mother and child. I agree with Knicki about the font, though. FYI, I'm not a photographer. : )
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