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Posts posted by alex_koo

  1. Thanks everyone for commenting. I've been sick all of yesterday so pardon my not posting back for a while.


    Thanks Larry and Blarg.- I've just had a look on Freestyle and will probably give them a ring later on and order some Efke 100.


    John - Thanks for the headsup, double perforated is what i will get. I wasn't sure which type i'd needed. I haven't got the RH50 back infront of me, but is the film pulled by sprockets? Won't the take up spool just pull the film through via the shaft driven advance? There are a couple of auctions on eBay right now for some Portra 70mm (5No and 1No reels).


    Wolf - Thanks for the headsup. I've just been looking at the PDF and i think i might have to get a carton of 20No 30.5m reels from them. BUT, if it's showing in their PDF then maybe somebody out there has got some individual reels in stock. Finger crossed.


    I've just emailed Retrophotographic, fingers crossed they'll be able to get me some.


    I'd bought 2x 70mm cassettes from Mr.Cad on Saturday for 20GBP each! I guess anything for the 70mm format will be expensive.


    I'm hoping to have some news in a little while. Many thanks again.



  2. Thanks Dan. I'll have to get a copy of A Lens Collector's Vade Mecum, has to be worth a read, right? So i can read up on Military Optical Ordinance. Mr CAD has a huge cannon of a lens on the front counter with a Pentax fit, painted in olive drab!


    I'll keep trawling through the usual vendor's stock lists in the mean time. I keep finding myself looking at Glenn View's stock in the US wondering what i'd do with one of his lenses. Thanks for kick starting my new obsession! =o)



  3. Thanks guys. Bad news i'm afraid. No joy at all today. I've rung everyone, Robert White, Teamwork Photo, Mr.CAD, Ffordes, MXV, Calumet, SilverPrint, Jessops, Jacobs, Mailshots, Process Supplies, Kodak UK, AGFA, Ilford Harman and RK Photographic. Retrophotographic's having issues with their BT line at the moment so i'll try them next week.


    The only joy i did have was with Calumet and Process Supplies. They have some 70mm Fujichrome CDU II which is a duplicating film.


    The only way i'll ever have film for my RH50 back is if i order from B+H Photo from the US. The problem is the minimum order of 36No 100ft reels of Tri-X and 18No 500ft reels of Plus-X. Thinking about it i'm hoping the Kodak guys were happy to move their 35mm and 120 lines to China, but kept the 70mm machinery safe, just incase someone out there wanted a run of 70mm.


    Ilford Harman would need money upfront to coat a run of 70mm SFX. But that would be easily in excess of ?20k+.


    I'll have to try Rollei next week. Fingers crossed it's available and i can get some AND they're committed to producing it for a little while longer.


    I guess that's why there are so many Hasselblad and Mamiya 70mm backs on the market. There just isn't the film to use them. Which is such a shame.


    Thanks to all of you for your help.



  4. Hi everyone,


    I've found this format a little late in the day as all the great emulsions have

    long been discontinued. B+H and Adorama have a few types, but is there anywhere

    in the UK that has any? I'm going to give Robert White and Mr.CAD a call in a sec.


    I'd read somewhere that you can get Maco820C/Efke in 70mm rolls. Any tips on

    loading a Graflex RH-50? Where can i get spare cartridges from? And do you need

    backing paper?


    Thanking you in-advance,



  5. Wow. I've just found this thread after finding an article on a Combat Graphic. Great camera and am i correct in thinking it's bigger than the Fuji 6x9 RF (Texas Leica)?


    I must say it's fantastic reading all of your comments. As a relatively new vintage Large Format lens junkie (Veritos, Velostigmats, Darlot Petzvals, etc.) this has given me a new area to explore - Military cameras and lenses.


    It's a shame we don't have many camera fairs in the UK and i reckon most of the good stuff has already been picked up. Brass lenses sometimes turn up at the usual suspects, but nothing really nice.


    Where do i start? Can any of you recommend a lens that's fairly easy to find and use on 5x4 or 10x8?


    Thanking you in-advance,




    PS: You guys should publish a book, with lots of your images. So much information here.

  6. Hi everyone.


    Thanks Stephan for posting your comments. I'd rung Odyssey Sales earlier today and had a good chat with Dick about what i'm hoping to do. He's a nice guy. Very helpful too.


    I've found out some info that might prove helpful for anyone else about to undertake this same job. If you want to do this... don't do it!!! The enlarger column is the same. But the bits on the side that the knobs are attached to, which drive the pulleys that raise and lower the head, are different. They are closer to the middle by about 18mm. So cannot be driven by the knobs that are part of the floorstanding chassis. This should be enough to deter you from taking on this project.


    The parts are available, but it's the complex series of pulleys, wire cables and counter-weights that will be a problem. You can get Odyssey Sales to help you out with it. Or just buy a floorstanding version.


    Hope this is helpful for someone about to do the same.



  7. Hi everyone,


    Firstly, i just want to say i like the new site design. Looks good.


    OK. I have a problem, i've been shooting 5x4 B/W for some time now and i fancy

    printing again. A good friend of mine had given me his de Vere 504 floorstanding

    chassis, it came off of a creamy brown Dichromat 504. The pulleys and chains all

    work ok.


    Recently i'd bought a de Vere 504 bench enlarger off of eBay. It's a creamy

    brown Dichromat. I've taken the bench enlarger gubbins off and have tried to

    attach it to the floorstanding chassis. But it just won't fit. The holes for the

    knobs that raise and lower the head and to allow focussing are out of position

    by about 40mm closer to the middle. I'm going to take the covers off the chain

    drive and see if i can somehow manoeuvre the whole lot over a bit. I could maybe

    get a slightly longer chain, and aslong as it's all under tension from the

    weight of the chain then it will hopefully work.


    Another problem i have is the column has 2 extra strips of cast metal at the

    base for structural rigidity. Which have been milled to marry up with a heavy

    duty plate that attaches the front of the column to the chassis. The problem is,

    the plate appears to be nearly 15mm too close and won't accept the T-shaped base

    of the column.


    Looking down at the chassis, the column with the T-section at the bottom has to

    fit in a gap around 55mm deep. But the column is already 63mm deep. I think i

    can fabricate a bit of plate to extend this a bit, but i still won't be able to

    turn the knobs to wind the head up and down.


    Hmmm... thinking about it. It might be possible to weld some plate to the top of

    the chassis so the column is just sitting 70mm above where it should be. But

    atleast it'll be firmly attached both front and rear, and i can always chop the

    handles off and run it through the back of the chassis for adjustment.


    I hope i've described this in enough detail and isn't too confusing. I'm hoping

    one of you genius Photo.net guys has already performed the act of grafting of

    the 2 kinds together. Or, can put me in touch with some people who can help me?


    Nearly forgot. I'm based in London, UK.


    Many thanks.



  8. Hi everyone,


    Thanks for posting again. And actually... thanks to all of you for posting your comments.


    Guy, Jessops on New Oxford Street really is a gadget shop now. =o) I was meeting a friend in Holborn and had to have a look. Sad sad sad.


    John, I've shot a few rolls of HP5+ in similar conditions and will be testing with some Xtol. Thanks for the headsup.


    Robert, i've had a look and i can get some Diafine over here. Thanks for being so helpful. But i can order some on Tuesday and it'll be here the day after.


    Scott and Terence. I'll carry a pencil with me to make sure. I tend to over complicate my life with stickers and a special sequence.


    Larry. Thanks for posting on your day off.


    Just wanted to wish you guys Happy New Year! Just off out in a little bit to record the countdown to the New Year at a friends party in London. And have a rather special meeting arranged to get re-acquainted with Mr Jack Daniels shortly afterwards. I'll be sure to toast you Larry with some Southern Comfort!


    Hope you all have a great NYE. Take care and i hope the New Year brings you all much love, happiness and good fortune.


    I'm going to get some Diafine from RetroPhotographic during the week and will hopefully have something to post soon.


    Thanks again,



  9. Hi everyone,


    Wow! Thank you all very much for taking the time to post your comments. I'm going to hunt around London for a photog shop that sells traditional darkroom chemicals. I've never been a huge fan of Jessops. But may have to try them to see if they have any Diafine or Xtol. Calumet might be open too. Conditions look the same today, so i'll just blast a few rolls for testing and try them out in both.


    Robert. I'm going to try some of the shops around London today. If i can't find any then perhaps i can order some from your website?


    Those are some great solutions for keeping a note of what the films were rated at. The notches is a favourite. But i'll probably just stick to permanent marker and scribble it on. I'm normally pretty good with my little stickers. But was under pressure to get the image.


    Many thanks. To all of you. Happy New Year!



  10. Hi Larry,


    Hehe. I'd thought you were in the UK as it was only a few minutes after each post. Sigh... Tennessee, the land of Southern Comfort. I'm based in London, and we've had very dense fog for the last week. It's cold. Very cold. And horribly overcast. I'd love to be some place warmer. =o)


    Thanks for the tip with Diafine. I'll have to turn the heating up and use a warm water bath to keep the temperature around 22degrees. But i'll be happy if i can use any of the images from the 2 rolls.


    PanF in Diafine at 50 & 100. Thanks for the headsup. I'll have to try those too. Now... all i need is a shop to get some Diafine!


    Thanks again Larry. Happy New Year.




    PS: isn't it past your bedtime? =o)

  11. Wow! Larry... what a super-quick response. Thank you. Are you in the UK?


    I've just had a look on-line for shops that are open over Christmas that may have any Diafine. Especially at sale prices too! I might have to go to Jessops on New Oxford Street to get some. I'd prefer to go to someone else. Can you suggest someone? I think RK Photographic, Mr Cad, etc are closed.


    Many thanks again,



  12. Hello everyone,


    I hope you're all having a great Christmas. Thanking you in-advance for any help

    you can offer me.


    Ok. I'd shot 2 rolls of HP5+ (120) in fairly dull lighting. Rated one at 800 and

    the other at 1600. I normally use sticky labels to remind me of how many stops

    i've pushed or pulled film. BUT, this time i'd relied on putting them in

    different pockets. Big mistake. Looking for my keys at the car i'd mixed them

    up. Apart from going for the 'ip-dip-you-are-not-it' approach, is there anything

    i can do?


    I've got ID-11, Perceptol, Ilfotec HC29, Rodinal downstairs... but a look at the

    Massive Dev site has huge differences in developing times. With it being

    Christmas i don't think any photog shops'll be open. I know with Diafine you can

    rate film at different speeds and still get great results. But i'll have to wait

    for a few days before everyone starts opening again. Can anyone recommend a



    I guess worst case i lose a roll. If i'm lucky then i get both.


    I hate it when i get things wrong like this.


    Many thanks and have a Happy New Year.



  13. Hi everyone,


    Love this thread! It's great reading everyone's screw ups. Here's a few of mine.


    Morning after a long night drinking with some friends. Head's not quite right. Body isn't either. Took my Paterson Orbital tank- in three parts: base, cover and conical bit to pour liquids in. As always it was wet. So dried the parts separately and put it all in my large changing bag with my box of exposed 5x4 sheet film.


    The sheets were of a good mate that's shortly going back to Brazil. So really important.


    Loaded up 4x sheets. Emulsion side upper most. Sealed my box of exposed sheets. Popped the lid of the tank on. Checked the edges to make sure it was closed. And pulled my hands out.


    I remember being mesmerized by one of the female BBC1 breakfast news reporters cleavage. Phwoar! Unzipped the bag, walked over to the sink by a large window, looked down and i could see 4 sheets of film looking up at me. GUTTED! Yup, i hadn't put the conical bit back in. I put them in the bin as i couldn't bear to develop them. Just in-case i found a good bit on the sheets.


    I've also been lazy with my fix, didn't use enough Rodinal (1+200 standing dev, used 3ml for 4x sheets so it was exhausted), loaded sheets emulsion side down and whilst trying to lift up the sheets stuck to the bottom of the tank with my nails - slipped and scratched 1-inch off the sheet.


    Another time, i'd used a different Paterson tank to dev some 120 rolls, and was used to using 590ml and just mixed everything up on auto-pilot. Processed film, washed and cracked the cartridge apart and had a lovely strip of barely developed film on one side.


    Ooooh... used a well worn Jessops tank. Usually use this for 2x 35mm only, but this time used it for 120. For agitation instead of tipping it over and then righting it, i give it a quick upward and downward shake. This action had pushed the cartridge to the top of the shaft. So i had another nice strip of barely developed film!


    I'm off to shoot under moonlight in a bit. If you're in the UK, there is no cloud cover and the moon is soooo low in the sky.



  14. Arrrgh!


    Got distracted by a phone call and didn't finish off what i was saying. If you look down the side, you can see the little metal tab. It's been toughened and was a pig to trim off. Just leave the hoover (vacuum cleaner) running next to it to suck up the bits of swarf. I used a set of fine files to get it low enough not to catch the cover. Now i can change sizes on the same roll. It took a long to time to work out how much extra to advance it by.


    Good luck!



  15. Hi Alan,


    I love my Sinar Vario Zoom back! I'd bought one used from a local camera shop without the instructions too. JUST A NOTE! DON'T FORCE IT! There are 2 little metal pins that sit proud of the Zoom back. Now once they're pushed against the back of your camera they retract and enable the curtains to open up. So give it a go. Attach it to the back of your camera. Now try and open the curtains... ta da!


    Hey did you get the Mark I version? I did and was annoyed at not being able to swap between the different sizes on the same roll. So if you look into the gap where the cover closes down, there's a little metal tab that must lock within the cogs to prevent you changing the sizes on the same roll.


    Just a note of caution. You will need to advance the film just a little bit more when going from the different sizes. eg. 6x6, advance nearly a whole frame so you can shoot 6x12. You'll get the idea after a while. =o)


    Hope you enjoy using your Vario Zoom back.



  16. Hi everyone,


    Thanks for taking the time to post your answers. All your advice will be taken on board. Just as soon as i can get my hands on it i'm going to perform some focus accuracy tests. With the GG and the RF and go from there. She should be coming sometime next week.


    I'd never have thought about the ally reacting with the brass on the back. This is why these forums are so great. Proper info from the guys in the know. I really do appreciate all of your comments.


    A colleague has a 6x17 back for his Linhoff so i might just try that out. Anything near 56x170mm would be fantastic!


    Thanks again,



  17. Hi everyone,


    I've finally bought my 5x4 Crown Graphic. I was hoping to buy a Speed

    Graphic. The rotating back was what i'd really wanted, but a decent

    late Crown with a Graflex Top Range Finder was available on 'The

    Auction' site. Should be here, London (UK), in 4-10 working days! I

    can't wait!


    But... it doesn't have a Fresnel Lens, but does have a non OEM Ground

    Glass. Now i've read on other sites that the Fresnel has circular

    grooves radiating outwards from the centre, and the Ground Glass sort

    of has the same pattern of grooves but out of phase for it to fit on

    to the Fresnel. Now the film plane will be different without the

    Fresnel in place. So, can i buy a Fresnel Lens and Ground Glass? And

    would it be possible for me to fit it myself?


    Do any of you know of someone in the UK or even Europe that can help

    me please? Whilst i'm here, is there any chance i can fit a rotating

    Graflok back to a Crown?


    And which lens will i need to shoot 6x17? There's a firm on 'the

    Auction' site that sells a 6x17 back for 5x4.


    Thanking you in-advance,



  18. Hi everyone,


    I've just been reading up about the various Graflex Speed/Crown Graphic View Cameras. I really fancy 1/1000th of a second shutter speeds. I thought this was solely the reserve of Super Speed Graphics. But there are plenty of Speed Graphics on the auction site that have 1/1000th advertised.


    Am i correct in saying that to use the Polaroid, RFB and 5x4 pack film holders i will need one with a Graflock fitting at the back?


    On the auction site a US shop is selling one with a broken shutter and a missing battery door cover. The seller says it can be replaced with a Copal shutter and is simply a case of taking off the old one, and screwing it together. Is this the case?


    I'm really keen to get one soon. I've even dusted down my old enlarger.


    Thanks again,



  19. Hi everyone,


    Thank you for taking the time to post back. Your comments are very much appreciated.


    I was pretty much ready to buy a Polaroid 600SE off of the auction site. Now i'm not so sure. The problem is i live in London, UK. And wouldn't know where to start looking for the cameras you've recommended.


    The Polaroid 110 conversions aren't so appealing now. Mainly due to the cost. But i'd love to get all the bits and modify it myself. I've access to a few rudimentary tools. More importantly a decent pillar drill and a milling machine. I think Umit was selling his 110A, converted for 5x4, on the auction site for a few quid.


    I'll have a look at the Fotoman. To be honest a view/field camera is probably what i'll end up getting. I've only ever shot T&S on 35mm and just loved it.


    The Supergraphic sounds fabulous. I love being able to shoot on all formats. But especially 6x17 with that Graflok fitting Chinese 617 back.


    Troy? How big is your Super shown in that thread? It looks great. And, with your weight loss exercise, must make it ultra portable and hand holdable too?


    I had hoped to have a new gizmo to play with over Christmas. I'm deeply unsatisfied with 35mm film & digital. But like with all things i should probably spend a little more time researching these cameras.


    Thanks again.



  20. Hi everyone,


    I want a new project to play around with, to slow down my photography

    and re-kindle some of the magic i've lost in my own personal work.

    Initially i was looking at a Polaroid 110A/B conversion for 5x4 and

    instant film. Now i've been looking at the Polaroid 600SE and Mamiya

    Press camera too. I fancy the Polaroid for what, i imagine, to be,

    easier handling and portability.


    I'd like to be able to shoot 5x4, 6x9 and still use Polaroids. Maybe

    even 6x12/17. Is it possible to do this? With the minimum of

    modifications. Will the lenses provide enough coverage?


    I think it's fabulous how you guys help everyone all the time.

    Thanking you in-advance,




    p.s. the only reason i've chosen these is from reading articles on the

    web, and what's available at THE auction site. Can you recommend

    anything else? Thanks again.

  21. Hi everyone,


    Thanks for taking the time to post your answers. Covering the contact with the clear sticker so it doesn't trigger sounds like a very good use for them.


    That makes sense not to have too many bits in-line that can go wrong, extra leads, etc. I look after my equipment too, so i was just being extra careful. But i may just use it on the hotshoe as it was designed for.


    Thank you,


    Alex Koo

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