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Image Comments posted by nige_buddy

  1. buggered if I know how anyone can take a pic with a FM2 (or worse) then...


    a very difficult lighting situation that you've exposed pretty well. More feet/foreground, less wall/sky wouldn't have hurt probably.

    Bombay Hook NWR


    non circle members allowed to comment?


    For the trees to be act as significant POI I think the light needed to anchor them to the ground, then they might have linked with the bright foreground to hold the image together.

    texture study

    I would crop a little of the bottom. I think this emphasis's the contrasting textures of the bark by making the smooth section more prominent. Attached is my interpretation.

    which leads me to something I tell anyone who'll listen...

    Always try to understand what suggestions someone has made, but make up your own mind if they are appropiate for you. It's fine to listen, then reject suggestions.


    Man kissing dog


    since you asked...


    exposure on my screen looks good, just a little bit washed out around the dogs shoulder area but I'm guessing that's the scan. Which brings me to my next point.. it's quite soft (as on not sharp). How funny is it?, mildly amusing I'd say, the problem I have is the man has no visible emotional attachement with the mutt. Maybe the dog was cleaning his teeth! If there's a bit more on the bottom of the neg I'd include that as the arm would then anchor the bottom of the frame better. no ratings from me... just commentry! (my policy)


    viewing the thumbnail I thought 'ohh, nasty background' but upon looking at the bigger picture... I don't mind it, sort of frames her. not too sure about her expression though, her eyes are 'nowhere'. Cute kid nevertheless!
  2. Hi Amy, I'll have another go!

    As Earl clarified, the horizon seems to tilt down on the right, although I think it's more visual trickery than actual fact as the natural fall of the hills, the angled tree on the left and the ground falling away from the pond enhances the feeling. I say this cause the tree in the pond seems vertical (as most trees grow, except that one on the left of course!.. maybe it was really leaning to the left!!) and the bit of horizon on the right seems pretty level. However, I do think it's not quite right, a one degree anti-clockwise rotate fixes it. (I applied that and it seemed better)

    Next, the foreground has that half chopped off grass... I personally don't like that. I would have included all of it most likely (not being able to see what's there it's hard to say, you could have been avoiding something else)

    And lastly, printing yourself would enable your to print down (lower the brightness) of the clouds/sky and print with enough contrast that gives it some zap! It doesn't look too sharp also. Burning in those clouds digitally won't work too well, they'll just go grey where doing it 'traditionally' will maintain any detail that's hidden in the negative (inpect it using a loupe to see what's there).

    Hope you get something out of that lot :)

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