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Posts posted by richard_cook2

  1. I agree with Mark's last post (I think).


    I would like to see someone take, say, ten 50mm f/1.8 nFD lenses and test them all to see if they give identical results. If they all were exactly the same then tests like those described in the first posting have some validity. Otherwise will I continue to harbour doubts about them.

  2. The area of a circular aperture equals PI * radius squared.


    To double the area you multiply the radius by the square root of two.


    Hence the ratio is


    1.0 equals one


    1.4 equals one * square root of two


    2.0 equals one * square root of two * square root of two


    2.8 equals one * square root of two * square root of two


    4.0 equals one * square root of two * square root of two * square root of two


    5.6 equals one * square root of two * square root of two * square root of two * square root of two


    and so on.

  3. This is a very interesting discussion but I would really like someone to post two photographs of the same scene at the same time using the same film but with different lenses so that I can see for myself what the difference is.


    Would this be possible?

  4. Maybe the batteries in your cameras are getting a little flat?


    If a battery is on its way out I would expect the voltage to drop when you depress and hold the button to take the exposure reading. Hold the button for too long and the battery does not have the strength to fire the shutter.


    Realising the button and waiting for a few seconds would enable it to recover enough to fire the shutter.

  5. In the UK we have a chain of shops called poundshops where everything is a pound.


    So for one UK pound you can get a disposable camera with a film in it. I suspect that something similar exists in the USA.


    My friend's daughter who is under five took some wonderful shots with one. The only downside is that the child may be upset that they cannot keep the camera when the film has been exposed.

  6. If someone with the latest edition of Excel saves a spreadsheet in Excel format then it can only be read by someone who also has the latest edition.


    But if they save it as a CSV file then it can be read using any spreadsheet package.

  7. I think that it depends on whether you want a small flash sitting on top of your camera which fires straight ahead or a larger one where you can bounce the light off the ceiling.

    Nowadays almost all flash guns have a photocell on the front which detects the light reflected back from the object and uses a thyristor to switch the flash off when the object has received sufficient illumination.

    I have a Vivitar 225 (small and straight ahead) and a Vivitar 3500 (twice as large but with variable angle).

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