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Posts posted by yongbo

  1. Not sure how good is your C-PL. DO NOT use protective filter for landscape, and don't stack them together. You also need Grad ND. Hoya Pro1 is a very good C-PL (has front filter threads). Put the 58mm C-PL and the GND filter holder on the lens and make sure the dark corner is not there (14mm in your case?) http://www.bhphotovideo.com/bnh/controller/home?O=productlist&A=details&Q=&sku=306007&is=REG&addedTroughType=categoryNavigation
  2. A lot of the cards are made by Samsung or Toshiba. All my Viking cards are from Toshiba and no problem at all. The Kingston is good too. The only problem that I had is the Lexar 1GB 40X (my 300d doesn't support high speed), got corrupt images and has been replaced twice. But, that one got life time warranty, call them for the RMA and they paid postage for the second time. Try to fill up the card and format (not erase) it several times as soon as you get it. Here is a good link. http://www.robgalbraith.com/bins/multi_page.asp?cid=6007
  3. Hi Brian, If this happened again, should we send an email to abuse@photo.net or just post as a thread here? Btw, is there any plan to change the default view again (by number of views)? The current view and rating system work very well. Thanks a lot for the quick response to remove the false ratings.
  4. Check the products from Pinnacle systems. Do not get the VCR to DVD recorder.




    For DVD recorder, Sony is my favorite. The following comes bundled with Nero 6.6.




    Blank DVD, don't get the cheap one. TDK, Memorex are not bad. DVD+R is good for most of the DVD players. Burn it at the lowest speed (2x or 2.4x), you can even play it on the very old DVD players.

  5. <b>Hi BD</b>,<p>

    The root cause of the "robots" is the rating system. These days, high rating = mate rating, low rating = revenge rating and average rating = robot rating. A lot of people seem to ignore the quality of the pictures and too sensitive to the ratings. Robot just the same as the computer virus, will be there forever. More subscribers will definitely help PN to implement the latest technology. Hopefully, the site administrators could be replaced by the robots (they don't need sleep and can handle complains faster).

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