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Posts posted by screeny

  1. I guess Milo gave the best answer possible!

    (HAHAHA btw the way did you know that when you enter more then 1 exclamation point in the forum reply you get the following response from the system:

    "We had a problem processing your entry:


    * One exclamation point is sufficent" )

  2. No that we are rambling, I wonder if it is just me or..?

    No matter what I sent in for photograph....some whino (and weirdly enough always one of the first to rate) by defintion rates me wit a 3 or last copules of times with a 2. ok my images suck...fine, however if you rate low...well see above. However other people in generally rate me between 4 and 5 ocassionally a 6 but i don't take those seriously. No I did some 'research" not completly statistically or scinetifical correct however this seems to happen to more people's images. Anyone else experiencing this or am I just rambling? Ah well what ever bloody ratings afterall, who cares? :)

  3. my 2 cents:

    rating for originality is in 99% pointless in my opinion, as what haven't been photographed before? Once in a while some really original image comes by but in general indeed naked lady on the couch in classic pose (mhh classical...so by definition not original), yet another sunset, again a bird in close up etc. I think generally speaking there are 2 kinds of groups here (for simplicity reasons I stick to 2 groups, howver any other more complicated division is possible):

    1) the beginnnners

    2) the experts

    Experts post images to show their peers, beginners to learn. (ok ok very simple stated but I'm trying to make a point here)

    So leaving a comment on a rating and aspecially a low rating on images from obviously beginners like myself is helping those people out to improve themself. If you as an expert don't like the image because it lacks any originality, any technical skill and any personal style, well that's understandable but just leaving a low rating without any comment is not really helping.

    Now become more detaieled: Experts grouop can be splitt in to two sub categories in my opinion: those that era helpfull but maybe sometimes feel a bit weary of all those beginners who think they are good, but still remain polite and helpfull. And then there is this group of arrogant experts who indeed produce the greatest images but apparently feel they are fom god decented on earth and feel themself high above the "commons"

    Thn ofcourse the beginners can be splitt in similar ways:

    Those that truly think they are truly gifted and that they create the most marvelous images despite there lack of any technical, artiscal skills and who are too stubborn to learn or accept the fact they are just beginners.

    However then there is teh group I consider meself part of: Those who now they are lousy but who want to improve and hey even have a vision of what they want as end results but would love the feedback from experts.

    my 2 cents

  4. I'm directing this to the Dutch readers: Does anyone know whether

    this new 100 (zonderF) Velvia version is available in NL? I searched

    some 'commonly known" online photographic equipment dealers like amera

    express and konijnenberg yet they seem to have only large stocks of

    Velvia 100F and Velvia 50.

    if anyone knows where to get the newest 100 version please drop a line.


    Thx in advance,

  5. Suppose I want to try out soem street/docu/travel photography with

    focus on people, not perse portraits but daily life kind of stuff.

    people doing there usually stuff. Well you know the images: the small

    mexican native woman walking past the colorfull tienda with the Coca

    Cola logo painted on it, the old veiled moslima ladie sitting in front

    of her yellow oker painted house, the stylefully dressed Italian

    business lady rushing through busy traffic while making aphonecall on

    her cell phone, the cowboy light his cigarette while leaning on the

    rodeo fence.. wel I suppose you get the picture.

    Now suppose I want to do this in color slides any recommendations? I'm

    thinking 400 iso film for speed as I still haven't found a serious

    sphotoshop so I ratehr not dare to ask them to push anything.

    Any one out there with any reommendation and/or example images?

  6. I recently purchased the Slik U8000 so I haven't got a lot of experience with it but it replaced my broken crappy cheap "wallmart" type.

    For the real serious pro it is probably/for sure still a crappy tripod but for me (beginner amateur but taking photography serious andstill on a tight budget) it a a leap forward:

    The motion is much smoother then with the crappy tripod, the whole feel is much more robust and sturdy and I enjoyed it a lot when using it in northern Italy last week. So if you are on the same level as I am (beginner amateur but taking photography serious andstill on a tight budget)I can recommend the budget Slik tripods

  7. mhh ok I see. I wasn't expecting nor hoping to turn this in film vs digital discusion. My main question was why if above process is being used by an expert why still shoot velvia/provia and not consumer slide (but still using best knowledge, experience, and high end equipment in sanning and printoing , in other words: all things being eqeual except the slide. Why I ask this is because I read a lot (=not my own experience) that even with the best equipment and knowlde and experience quite some qualities that normally come with specific pro-slides wehen looking on perfect calibrated lightboxes with perfect loups in perfect lighted rooms, will be lost in the process.

    Once i read an website from some pro where a tested and reviewed the Velvia, sensia, provia and Astia films...well on screen the looked slightly different (same shots with different film..you know the drill) but fidlling in photoshop I managed to have them look all the same...So I can't totally get over the idea that using pro slides aspeically Velvia is more kind of "look me I'm pro" attitude if the objective of the shooting is ultimately printing

  8. There are plenty of semi pro's here that shoot for fun but sell as

    well. I'm talking not stock but fine art/landscape stuff.

    What is generally the consensus I feel is that most of this semi

    pro's us slides, have high end film scanner and high end printers

    more and more. This because the technology advance enough to make

    high end prints at home (if you have the cash that is..)

    However I read lot as well that for one when processing slides to

    prints via scanning a lot of the quality of the slides is lost by

    definition (transforming a light through medium to reflective medium)

    and secondly that Velvia is really hard to scan well and transform

    into good prints.

    Ok so why is ti then that this fellows keep buying and using

    expensive slides, when they loose part of the quality anyway?

  9. abnormally I don't know, I know however that the photo's I have publicly here aren't that extremely good. However I'm always amused that apperently this images attract both kind of people:

    almost by definiton I'll have one or two 6' but also one or two 3's :)

    And to fill it up a couple of 4's and 5's. Occassionally a 2 and a 7. Apperently you love them or hate them weird thing is it is with every photo I load up on PN.

    My theory is that there are just so many worldwide voters and that there is a cultural difference in voting/interpreting the values. But I suspect also there is a large part of ignorant, self induylgent, artsifartsi, hoititoiti, egocentralistic, adolescent grown ups who basically will rate any thing by definition lower as a 4 except there own work.

    I hardly ever vote more, but write down comments now and then.

  10. Not an answer but I have the smae problem as well with an other epson flatbed. Maybe fact of life with Epson scanners?


    I tried to manual set the scale/size of area to scan but when pressing the SCAN button it automatic overrides the manual settings and trims of the lower part of my sldes. Real wierd.


    If any one would have a solution to this it would be of great help



  11. Languedoc is a great place if you like castles and stuff. Sure thing Carcassone is pretty Disney-tised. 9Story goes that Walt D. got his inspiration for one of the castle in one of the animations form Carcasoone but i can't remember the English name of the fairytale)

    Ofcourse it is touristic but then again...with the tourisme they get the money to keep the place in shape. Sure for romatics a real ruin (= lot's of rubmle and broken stone wall) has more appeal but if you are able to look through the plastic kid swords shops and the lousy cafes and restaurants in Carcasonne it gives a pretty good idea of how Midieval European towns looked like in South of france at the end of the medieval period.

    Been in Languedoc in septmber 2003 and have some pics on my personal homepages : www.screeny.demon.nl. Soem imgaes of Carcassone, Peyrepetuse, Rennes le Chateau and soem other stuff. If you are in the area take your time and visit soem places with your camera! it's worth the time (Aspecially if you are a better photographer as I am!)

  12. hey any one over there who can get me a green card? I'm a lousy, crappy untalented photographer and never had shot at an wedding. Seems i can make good money with these qualifications in the US :)


    But seriously, I was wondering a while if it was just me noticing all these wedding questions like which film to use (mhh that looks promising..not even digital) etc on the forum. After reading the above thread I had a real good laugh about the anecdotes about completle ignorant people asking beginners question but getting paid enormously for it....damn only in America....got to love the American dream :)

  13. Not a real question, but lately I realised I some how between a couple

    of movement after college I lost my Olympus trip 35. Well actually I

    did not know it was one, I just could not find my good Old camera I

    had since my father gave it to me 23 years ago. When i was checking

    out e-bay and some other auction site cheking on filters I saw a image

    of the Olympus: " DAMN!!! that looks liek my oldie...so it was an

    Olympus trip 35..hehe. After some google I came to realise it was a

    rather popular model in the '70/'80 , hey even found a dedicated

    website for it :)

    So I was wondering....who had or still has an Olympus trip 35?

    (btw bought one on internet just for old time sake...should be in


  14. ok probably a "technical" question, but I'm sure some of you ca answer it:

    I have some slides shot with Fuji Sensia, and i want to make some

    prints of them (my first slide to print, kind of a test if it works

    for me). So here in the neighboorhood I have two choices: an upmarket

    yet still consumer photo/print shop. Here i usually bring my prints

    and slides for developing it is a bit more expensive but I like the

    results they deliver. Second alternative is a professional photo lab

    with all kind of services for pro-photographers. I want to have a

    couple of slides printed at both of them and compare the results. No

    for the question part:

    The pro lab is a Kodak Q-lab or somefink linke that and my question is

    does that matter that they apperantly are "kofak-minded" while I want

    Fuji slides printed? Will it matter quality wise or is that somfink

    that mattered in the past? I know they high tech real pro scan the

    slight and print them digitally on some high end Epson machines

    Any one any thoughts one this?

  15. Thx guys, I guess the solution is that I have to make some "major" adjustments for all scanned slides in PS. With you r comments I made in PS a "standard" frame for my scanned slides that I wish to publish on my personal website (www.screeny.demon.nl).

    On top of this frame I have 3 additional PS layers: "Levels" (to retain original slide brightness), "hue/Saturation" (to recall the slide "punchy colors" and "color balance" (I noticed that the scanned slides have a pretty blueish/cool cast over them so to correct I downgrade the blues). Workflow now is to open this "default" frame -> open scanned slide file -> drag scanned slide layer into default frame -> adjust the three layers values untill I'm pleased -> save as jpg, ready for publishing on my website. Thx again and in case your interested here is the result:<div>00CMWZ-23816784.jpg.b1999744e6ed0bc9e4ababb301e1eb90.jpg</div>

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