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Image Comments posted by screeny



    Don't ask me why but first thing that came into my mind was: the front of a box with a PC adventure game....

    Now whether that's a compliment I still don't know myself :)






  1. I have taken the liberty to look at the lightharmony website and I must say you are a gifted and very talented photographer.

    great stuff!


    Hope to see more in the near future, keep tem coming!








    once again you gave a cliche image (ally of trees with light at the end) your own twist. original as always








    (please...no sepia... :) )

    This Morning


    Overall this looks to me as a classic lakescape image: a classic composition with the horizon 1/3 from the top and a point of interest in the foreground.

    The light is warm and subtle.Teh dotted clouds add some interest(drama would be to big word) in the sky.

    What I feel makes this image stand out above the "ordinary" classic lakescapes is how the foreground is yet dark but very subtle it is high lighted: only the contours/edges of the boat are really sparkling together with the oars. Very subtle very effective.


    If I would have changed anything myself in thisimage I might think of cropping out the top "feathery" cloud coming from left to the centre.








    I like the subject and theme of this image. Seems a real classic National Geographic image: photographing distant and far away cultures, peoples and nature.

    The composition works perfect in imho: simple and clean, th emain sunject is centred yet the motion of the figure makes the image not-static.

    The colors are both muted yet vivid and give the image a real serene look

    excellent image, surely a winner in a contest





    Red Umbrella II


    Nice one! long toime ago I bought a red umbrella to use it as a Prop in some images but never got to it and it is still lying in my car. This image inspires me and remembers me to use it soon!


    the image is really cool!





    Blue Jetty


    ...I believe some of the best photographers are on this site...

    could you drop some names? I'm always interested in some truly inspirational landscape photgraphers on this site, kind of those with a real own style. (after two years being "serious" about photography those portfolio's with 99% classic/standard vertical seascapes with rock in front, sun just set, and long exposure times start to get a bit bored. Not that they are bad or not good, still much better then what moi produces but I'm looking for somem mor evariety to learn others way of composing and seeing scapes. So besides the TC bunch, if you have any suggestions on this sie I aprreciated it.


    Thx in advance,




    (how is that Scotland book coming? :) Would be great next to my copy of First light & Seeing Landscapes)

  2. Th ething that strikes me th emost in this image is that it' bends the rules of landscape photography. Every book, article or webstie on Landscape photography stress the importance of clouds and the drame clouds add to a scene.

    Here you totally neglected that guideline and the total image has become one serene scene. Blue, green & golden.






    Blue Jetty


    ..Well I guess your right Ian in a way. This place is not what it has been and I'm here around for only 2 years. However I'll follow your work on your personal site and at Time Catcher (when wil this re-construction will be done?)


    As for this image...it has written Ian Cameron all over it. I particular love the wayy the lines play in this imahe, both thelines from the pier (?) and the shoreline in the background seem to convert in to a single point.

    Complemented with the stunning "simple" color scheme. For a change a not overall warmish tones but cool yetpleasant blue/purple.


    Hoep to see more on your own personal website in the future







    Tough I like the image as such, I personally feel it is rather overrated. In my humbble opinion it does deserve a 4 or a 5 for easthetics (in my book that is) a 6 or a 7 seems highly exagarate. please let me explain this statement.

    What I like best about the image is the sky. It has dark colors it has some blues and some white all together the perfect ingredients for a dramatic sky. Combined with the foreground and middleground it gives this enormous depth into the image.

    What is a nice touch as well is the low light that is coming in from the photographers left back (at least that would be my best guess).

    The things that I think could be different to improve the image is the compositions of the foreground and middleground composition: the foreground is for me too much on the edge of the image. The fence runs all the way back but does not "connects" with the trees in the background. so there is this wide gap between the foreground elelemt an the background. personally I tink that if the fence was more to the right in this iamge and the point where the fence reaches the horizon/edge would be more near to the trees there would be more kind of a harmonie and smooth transtion between foreground and background.

    Hope this comment is taken as constructive critism, because it's ment to be.





  3. This reminds me of those images that were in children-bibles on primary school :)

    It is indeed almost a painting, don't really not sure whether it is my cup of tea (bit too grainy, almost beyind the point it is esthetical/artistic for my taste) but I have to admit it is a great image considering th ecomposition, theme and colorpalet.





    Street at sunset


    Not saying I'm not liking this image as I do like it. It does communicates a certain mood/emotion/feeling. However technically it looks weird as in unnatural. Was the light really that weird?

    Almost looks like an oilpainting. What I like most is the light that bounces of from the white/yellowish building just right of the centre of the image. Secondly the image has a great feeling of depth without making using of too obvious lines of depths. All elements that draw you to the depth are subtle.


    job well done





  4. Could some one help me out here? I'm at a loss. Whenever I want to shoot such a scene I face the following dilemma:

    1) I want the just behind the clouds for that great colors, contrasty and dramatic clouds and preferably just before sunset or just after for the best colors.

    2) I want parts/elements of the middleground/foreground to be lighted directly by the sun to create the contrast between shadowy and lightedparts in the scene for this extra mood and vividness of the scene.

    So basically like this image that has both of the elements. however I have either the one or the other. Sun just behind clouds with dramartic colorfull clouds but the foreground is then totally in the shadow and looks dull. Vice versa when I have the sun "between' clouds I have the foreground directly lit but then the sky misses that drama. So for me somehow the one element by definitions excludes the other and vice versa. However I see many iamges that have both... what goes wrong in my logic/mind?


    oh btw this iamge is ofcourse stunning and looks great. Even without the "standard" foreground object it makes a great composition and feel of depth.





    ancient tree


    yeah well it's hard to keep up with your images, you seem to place them on many websites. Anyway always amazing to see how you can swap between hard core photography and "heavy edited" photogrpahy but always keeping your own style and recognisability.


    I'm repeating myself but it's a classic again.

    (I see this one in A3 format hanging at the any fancy home interior design shop..._)

  5. Wow, this one is outstanding. i love your World cup reportage all the way, maybe a bit a lot of the same (lot's of crowd with flags photo's) but this one is the winner for me. Tells the whole story and beyond....


    love the tilted angle, love the sun love the composition of the lady with the Italian flag.







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