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Image Comments posted by julius_zoilos

  1. I stand by what I wrote above. That is the feeling I get from it. I find something slightly unsettling about a nude playing with her hair and looking straight at camera. Would the sparkle in her eyes be necessary to the shot. Personally, I don't think so. Does her face need to be pointing at the camera, again I would say no.


    Appreciation of the photographs here is personal to the viewer. Opinions were asked for, and offered. Sometimes people cannot understand why their photo has been rated the way it has. It is all down to people's opinions of what makes a good photo. You have yours, I have mine. Also, it doesn't really matter what you think are the merits of the model, it is how the photographer has 'used' the model that is important.

  2. I will state at the outset, I have no experience of photographing nudes (lack of money here too)


    I like the way her arms are posed. I agree that the flash has done no favours to this shot.


    Looking at it, I get more of a feeling of it being - as the bloke above said - being a shot of the girlfriend. Even vaguely like pornography. I say that because she is maintaining eye contact with the viewer. Try turning her head to an angle, and have her looking away from the camera.


    Also, another moral is if you run out of light, either pack up and don't bother or just use it to try out ideas.

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