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Image Comments posted by mozgur

    Don't slide II

    f22- 5secs. After reviewing other images, I can say that all images with exposures >=1sec has the same softness. I have also different angles of this view shot at 0.16, 0.2, 0.5sec as well. The key difference between the exposures the local contrast in water. The contrast decreases with the exposure duration. It is safe to assume that every person will have their own choice in the contrast spectrum. For now, I'll stick with this 5sec-version.

    Don't slide II


    Almost a year ago a major storm dumped months worth of rain in 48 hrs,

    all streams and rivers were raging for days. Trying to create contrast

    between the power of water (and gravity) and the weakness/fragility of


  1. Thanks for the support Brad.


    Let me clarify why I'm not happy. I assume like many here on the PN, my goal is to share my work with larger audience, not really get or give educational guidance/classes as the site editor now tasked us to do.


    Accordingly, I question my goals and motives in joining PN, if my images will get only few hundreds hits. Seriously, if I wanted to reach only few hundred folks, I could keep sharing my pics with my friends via email as I used to do.


    Now, as the ratings here, the hope of reaching wider audience is fast becoming a meaningless endeavor. I'd take 25K "real" hits any day even if the pic get all 1s.



    Moon in a well



    sorry to say, your guess is wrong. Look even more closely, you'll realize that there is no mountain(s). In fact it is NOT a reflection at all. If you've been to yellowstone, you should see this right away: this is not a simple pool, but it is a geyser pool. As you may know, such pools have actually big hole in the bottom, where hot stream comes. The change in color, depth are all natural. nice try though.


    Yes, the angle is very strange, but this is the only way the composition can work.

  2. We need the ultimate miracle to go back to that fateful moment, and lure away Eve from the serpent, thus save all humanity from the suffering.



    Like the original interpretation. Thanks Scott. -I think should work on the serpent a bit more though. oh well, another thing to add to my ever-growing todo list.-

    Thin lines IX


    Jellyfish adorned with smooth curves and fine lines, they are more

    photogenic than bugs and insects. another addition for my thin lines


    Thin lines VII


    Hi Ovidiu,

    I shot these scene twice about one hour apart. The angle on both is about the same. There are houses and other trees around the pond if the angle is changed they come into view. This is possibly the only angle to get a cleaner view.


    Thin lines VII


    This was last and only chance of winter shoot in this area. We had the

    only useful snow storm exactly one week ago. During a 3hr shoot, I

    came across this little pond, with a couple of ducks, which left the

    tracks seen on the water on the left. When I noticed them it was

    already too late, they were disturbed enough with my presence to leave

    a lifeless scene to me. Well, I hope some like this one as is. Cheers,

    Land of change V


    I do not quite understand the sizing on PN. It seems there are certain assumptions on the aspect ratio of the images posted. Although the original size of the images is perfectly OK to show in the original screen, the site opts to show even smaller version.


    In any case, even the original post may be considered small by some but I refrain posting high-res version of my images on the web. Having seen many illegal copies of images on PN posted elsewhere, this decision should be understandable. Having said this, almost all my panoramas are printed at least 10inch wide. The high-res version of particular image is ~32MPixels in size.

    Colors of spring


    ouch, i guess that means my other pics are not up to your liking :)

    haven't i crossed tall mountains, navigated raging oceans and conjured up things barely imagined?

    if none of those can fill the void within, better than flowers, i shall, too, follow your wishes...


    thanks for comments on my lone flower.

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