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Image Comments posted by mozgur

  1. sorry, can't escape the pervading feeling of loss and delusion in

    current economic climate.


    Candle perilously balanced on a tiny tip.

    such as our lives built on elusive dreams and false hopes,


    as the candle tips over, so we break and settle in darkness of our minds.


    enjoy life,

    Prelude to rain


    Don't hold the clouds, the earth is thirsty for love.


    Saw this tree fighting with the elements at the edge of black canyon.

    At the time, I thought that was hard... rain came with savage wind. it

    was hard and punishing. Our lives are not that easy either.

  2. I traveled to usual locations where every self-respecting landscape photographer goes. certainly nothing really unusual.


    for years I've been using PS to manual stitch my panos. recently I started using panotools based open-source packages. They got better, still some ways to go. I've not used the stitcher that comes with PS3. similarly, all my HDR work is still fully manual. Tools are getting better, hopefully one day these panoramas will make themselves. Until then, I'll still be waisting a lot of time on them.




  3. Congrats for the worthy selection. It reminds me Salih's work with umbrellas on snowy streets.

    Something about the unique shape of umbrellas and their out-of-place placements are intriguing.

    I hope you were able to retrieve them after the shoot.


    yeni calismalarini merakla bekliyorum.


    Mehmet Ozgur

  4. Well very easy- here is the 4 step recipe.


    first, you shoot 10000 (yes ten thousand) or so smoke shots.


    then, you spent hours and days inspecting them. finding "interesting" "inspiring" patterns.


    next, you come up with a good idea,


    Finally, you put all of them together. Easy.


    (This one took only couple years and few months to cook. )


    May lords of photography be kind to you.


    Green river


    Thank you all for your comments.


    Anish, the contrast on the famous white-rim is very high, perhaps higher than what I will eventually use.


    I've traveled to this location twice (from east coast) since last winter, after seeing potential for a good composition. The initial set did not work to my satisfaction. Last month, I tried twice under different light. This one is the only promising set I got.


    If it is not clear already, my work does not end with the pseudo-realistic pursuit of traditional landscape photography. The reality is one my starting points. It is not my goal to make compositions that can be repeated endlessly by simply by owning a camera. It not my goal to have unattainably real or imaginary fantasy landscapes. All I want is to have pieces that will give me sense of pleasure when I look at them on my wall, nothing more.





  5. Fantasy is a very strong word for this landscape. As a landscape this is real. Geology, river, clouds, storm are all real. Nothing foreign added or subtracted,


    It has been enhanced to highlight three aspect of the scene, but I'd hardly call the result a fantasy. Since when the using curves, levels, and saturation have become tools of fantasy?




  6. While running away from a menacing storm,

    I marooned on island in the sky.

    Enchanted by primal colors,

    I stood breathless watching cloud tending white-rimmed, million-year

    old scar.


    Some love colors. enjoy life!

  7. John,

    I'd say your following statement is unfair and perhaps not what you indented to say:

    "No proof is required or even relevent as to critiquing."


    Would you say, critiquer can say anything he/she want without any reference to reality?

    If so, what value would that carry?


    I repeat my original response to Steve, -- I'd not be so hasty in judgement.


    I hinted at this, but it may have been too subtle. Let me spell it more clearly:

    If you know the scene, or seen images from the scene, I'd ask you, as well, carefully inspect them and see if this image actually the same..









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