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Image Comments posted by doug_stanley


    A little fill light to lighten the shadow on the left side of her nose and to bring out her hair on the left side would be better. I find the brick wall distracting. It probably would have been OK if there was less depth of field and the bricks were much more out of focus. I do like her pose and expression.
  1. I like the composition very much. The image would have been improved if the exposure on the tracks and wood had not been so dark. Of course that would have been a difficult overall exposure, especially with film.


    Very nice, Reminiscent of many of the images from Iceland that Michael Reichmann has displayed on his Web site. Someday I need to go there. It must be one of the most scenic places in the world.

    Horse Play

    Would have benefited from more depth of exposure. The composition would have been improved if you had been to the right so the building was removed or deemphasized in the image.


    My first reaction was somewhat negative, but with time the photo began to grow on me � I started to think of a boxer who had just been hit very hard �final assessment is pretty good


    I like the black background - contrasts well with the hairs - it is a shame that humans do not spend more time looking closely at bugs - they can be very beautiful
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