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Image Comments posted by stephengalea


    I really like the color saturation, only leaving some more space at the lower side would improve image in my opinion. Other then this, exposure is fine, Dep is wonderful and dark background leave flower to stand out more.

    White night


    I see that your Black and White is improving Elena..

    Well done - i really like the way you captured such pose, especially the positioning of the arms... Would crop slightly from the right.



    Dragon Dance

    I like the way you choose to capture this dragon fly, a unique way - however i my humble opinion i do not find it to be very asthetically pleasing. DEF is great.
  1. Hi Wilson....This is a wonderful asthetically pleasing photograph..Nicely frame and exposed..

    I am particularly struck by the composition.




    Oh, by the way is it a double exposure - one for forground and other for sky and mounted in ps together?



    Hi Paul, well i like the idea, together with the composition included...

    What i would have done, is croping slightly from both side to achive a diagonal from end to end consequently adding more impact.


    Wht do you think?

    Lisell 2005


    Hi Per Johansson, one of the things that comes in mind after viewing such a photos, is your wonderful ability to capture moments in time where time really runs fast..i.e wedding.


    I also like the composition and tone, however i would have filled edges (vignetting) in ps white white, to get rid of the unfocused foreground..


    Above all its a suberb photograph..

    Well done..and Thx for leaving me a message..

    Really appreciated from a great professional photographer..


  2. Yes Yuan, this was shot in my home studio, on my still life table. I mixed flash and tungsten lights for the above setup...The background is a piece of cardboard paper that is blue in color, thats all...

    Just that the difusion was added later in ps..Thats all

    Breeze II

    I really love this image,,,wonderful tones, however i would have prefered a less tighter crop from the top, just to reveal some more hair...other then that...Wonderful
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