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george ewald

PhotoNet Pro
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Image Comments posted by george ewald

  1. Well if you crop just above the lamp-post that does make an interesting composition, and very different, but I don't think it is necessarily better. This is an excellent composition. I like the flow. What bothers me are two dark slanting lines that look like windmills on the right side of the image. I might have eradicated them. Are they part of the mountains? Who knows?



    The Dragon


    This is the work of Jackie Fabreze, who specializes in Trompe L'Oeil.

    Since the dragon stretches across three surfaces of a slanted

    ceiling, the photographic challenge was to line up the perspective,

    so the dragon will fly straight. Saturation and contrast added in

    Photoshop, compensating for the flat levels of available light.


    I like this image. It's a spectacular composition. I like the towering nature of the huge vertical. And the feel, the coloring, is like an old thirties black and white. I'm not so sure about that. I like it, and then I wonder what other options you might have explored.

    Drab Rose

    I don't understand how this image has 1122 views and only 3 ratings. This is a beautiful photograph. Your details page, Terry, says "Equipment - unknown" and "Manipulated - unknown" Surely somebody knows. Is this a large format camera? Did you doctor the blacks in Photoshop?

    Nature's Heart

    I might have burned in the white elements in the upper right hand corner of the print. Not that they would disappear, but that they might appear more blunted. The eye ordinarily (in our culture) reads left to right and up to down, but with the flash of light in the upper right hand corner this disrupts the casual flow of the eye, which would ordinarily flow from the highlighted leaf, to the lower right, and then around the perimeter. Of course if you intended the disruption, then I am all wrong.
  2. Hey when you're playing in Photoshop, it's fun to try such things, and the lens flare will work for some people, and not for others. I thought the white edge was an artifact from the old white backdrop, but I liked it here. Ordinarily you want to trim such things from your selection, but that can get tedious. What tool did you use for the selection?



  3. You wrote that you used Photoshop for the new background and Lighting effects, so I am

    assuming that the lens flare is added, but what about the highlights on the hair, and around the dog? Did that come with the original white backdrop?



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