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Image Comments posted by schneekranich


    what a nice view this vase has...nice tonality, too. I agree about the bottom right corner being a bit dark, wouldn't crop though. (another) good idea!

    Stone Ascent

    this is like rollercoaster-backwards! I like the contrast of the elegant forms and the mere stone. Critique? The stone seems a bit blueish, would be interesting to view one more "grey" and one where you even boost up the blue...



    I had a look at the other and like the colouring here best. Great place there, I've been there 1 year ago, didn't have a cam at that time :-(


  1. just returned to your folder and saw I haven't commented this one yet - shame on me! I would never have noticed these tracks and they are sooo interesting - like a calligraphy. The car is allright in grey I think for it it is not the main point of interest. (Late)Congrats on this one!

    Quebec - Parlement

    this one looked more promising in the thumbnail-version. Which is interesting, because it tells that overall colours and composition are appealing, but looking at the larger one there's a "white line" surrounding the parlement and the other house at the left is rather ugly (not your fault)


    these faces are really fun to look at and then you did a good picture, too. I wonder if you had a better time watching the live scene or watching the photo..
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