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Posts posted by marker

  1. You have some really nice pictures on your site - Why make a change

    at all?




    If I was as skilled as you are, and I wanted some other eq. I would

    consider Bronica RF - That i MF, which really would give you some


  2. Now i am back from a nice week in Sweden.


    I went to Söderaasen, which is only 60 km from Copenhagen. It is a (small) mountainchain with max altitude of 220 meter, but the views were splendid. I took a lot og great landscapepictures - I am getting them back today.


    I you go - Beware of the mosqitos....

  3. This summer i am going on a hike i south of Sweden for 10 days with

    my wife. I am unknown with south of Sweden, even thou i am living

    less than 10 km form Sweden in Denmark.


    Have any of you out there in cyperspace any surgestions to, where it

    is good to hike, when my primer concern is where to take some good

    nature photos, with my FM2 and 4 prime lenses?



    Thanks in advance.

  4. Thanks alot for your very detailed report.

    I am tinking about hiking in the mountains during the stay in Greece. Only smaller daytrips.

    Any recomadations.


    Thomas Marker

  5. I am going to Greece this summer. My plans are not settlet yet, so

    please help to find a good route trough Greece.


    Iam starting off in Athen. I have heard that the north of Greece is

    the greenest part in july.


    My photo gear which will bee contained in my backpack is a FM2, 24mm,

    50mm, 105mm 200mm. Im shooting reala and RG 25 (from my deepfrosen

    supply). Any filters besides pol and uv? Redhance?


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