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Image Comments posted by timurilenk

  1. Howard - great capture of this guys wistful look and interesting craggy face. 6/6


    Picky, but the white area is overexposed and loses any semblence of cloth fold detail (which is well captured in the blue) - I guess it was difficult with the bright sunlight.

  2. This garage workshop used to be a thriving town focal point - I

    tried to give an aged look to this photo to reflect the effects of

    the march of time. Of course a picture really this old would show a

    hive of activity - a paradox.


    What are your thoughts - please critique. Thank you.

  3. Melissa - this is a very good shot - it has qualities of B/W about it. It might be even better if we could see more skin texture and if the background was less bright.


    I have done an example for you to consider

  4. Thanks for the comments - I have lots of pictures of this bridge and the park that surrounds it which has lots of interesting structures in it - it is in Stowe Gardens not far from where I live.


    I may put some up sometime

  5. Melissa - nice shot, the expectancy is in the air - it looks like one lad has already had too many fish & chips!


    Might be improved by more contrast and sharpening - another effort for you to consider


    Dead Tree


    This tree is not far from where I live - I love trees and for some

    reasong I am fascinated by this particular one. I have started

    photographing it and would be interested to hear any ideas on how to

    shoot it better. Thank you.

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