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Posts posted by matthewkane

  1. Hahahaha well well well I was just about to implement that split channel red/green method

    Marc posted a few months ago for the "Dreamy look" to over 70 images... needless to say

    that would have taken a while. I like this look with the gradient map alot to oh and I'd

    rather have some free time this week! Thanks!

  2. "Sizing a print, manipulating a print, and producing a print is becoming a very easy

    process for modern brides and i see a futrue not too far off where this will become second

    nature to all brides."


    I see what Jammey is saying yes people are starting to 'PLAY' with photo manipulation now

    more than ever. That is only natural with the rise in popularity of the digital camera.

    I have noticed this as well. HOWEVER that certainly doesn't mean that their output is of a

    professional quality!! I can assure you the general public doesn't know how to convert a

    color digital file to a professional quality B&W print that retains shadow detail, has nice

    midtones, and holds highlights. Just because people are fooling with IPHOTO or PICASA

    and posting these on their fridge or printing them at Wal*Mart doesn't mean they will ever

    reach the same level of understanding.


    Learning to use photoshop 'properly' is a daunting task... I have been playing with it for 3

    years and am still learning how to do things better or how not to do things. Hell plenty of

    so called "Pro Photographers" still have trouble making quality prints and images!

    Like Mary said people will recognize quality when it is layed in front of them in comparison

    to mediocrity. There will ALWAYS be a market for pros in the imaging business. I highly

    doubt that pro photographers one day in the unforseeable future will be handing over

    unprocessed/unoptimized raw files to 'the masses' and saying - OK HAVE FUN!!!

  3. Besides when was photography/portraiture restricted to the sane or the privileged?

    I suppose then that those beautiful pictures of vagrants and drifters that Mr. Avedon

    took in the american west were somehow unethical... and that Sebastiao Salgados photos

    of poor workers were some how exploiting people... not buying it.

  4. Wow what a response.

    First of all to Tim and Jay well obviously this doesn't interest you so why did you respond?

    Yeah Jay I appreciate the comment I am most certainly in search of a roommate, I hope

    those wisecracks warm your heart.

    Yes Richard Avedon was actually part of the inspiration. That was the idea.

    I don't OWN a studio and am not bringing them into my home. I was actually considering

    renting one out downtown here for a few hours that is actually just a warehouse with

    skylights where from what I've seen there 'anything goes'. At any rate yes I am fully aware

    that some are wilder than others and some caution has to be excercised. But

    wholeheartedly disagree that they are not ever cheerful. If you actually take a minute to

    treat them like human beings well then you can see signs of 'life'. All homeless people are

    not just vapid. There are actually 'street kids' to, you've seen them. 18 down on their luck,

    no family, out traveling. Candids are not really the idea. That's been done a million times

    before. I am not scared of these people and wouldn't shy away from approaching them

    and trying to capture something genuine about them like any other subject. Of course I

    wouldn't approach the guy that was stumbling around. Common sense would be utilized.

    At any rate I appreciate the constructive comments.

  5. I live downtown in a metropolitan city. Homelessness seems to be on the rise. I look out

    my apartment windows and see them everyday. I am compelled to do a project on them as

    they are largely forgotten and overlooked. I think this would be an interesting subject

    indeed. My questions are... what kind of techniques can I utilize to convey the sense of

    their situation? I'm thinking studio shots with no props. So what lens techniques, lighting,

    etc could aide in this kind of thing? Also I want to do some of them being cheerful if at all

    possible, so don't get the wrong idea.

    I also wanted to know if anyone has ever considered this? What can I do just offer them

    money for their time and for them signing a release? Am I crazy?


  6. Please go here www.broxtonphotography.com and go to the engagement section.

    There are various styles, color tones, and effects to be seen.

    Where can I learn these kinds of photoshop effects? What books do you recommend? Sites

    with actions on them? Anything? Or what are you seeing alot of in these photos?

    Liberal use of gaussian blur, vignetting, over saturated/contrasty???

  7. Beau that's why they say they have a free HTML mirrored site included along with it.

    For the dial up users and people without flash viewing capabilities. I'm wondering if the

    mirrored search engine site helps with rankings at all?

    I don't really want to design this myself like I mentioned... I am on a time crunch and it

    gives me a headache. Any online web designer recommendations appreciated!?!?!

  8. Hello everyone...

    I have been out of the photo.net loop a while. But am getting back into the swing of

    things. I am considering revamping my website and wanted to know some of your

    thoughts. I want to make my site much more presentable and contemporary so I am

    looking to have it done by a 'professional' rathering than trying to do it all myself again.

    I would show my current site but the hosting plan has expired so it is not up right now.


    I am considering using www.bigfolio.com. Or perhaps any that you all may recommend??

    Please have a look at their templates if you are at all interested to get the idea.

    However they only offer flash sites. I know flash sites are practically invisible search engine

    wise but seem to be rather popular these days. The presentations are nice and I do like the

    look but am concerned about that being the kiss of death for SE rankings.

    They offer a mirrored HTML site they said... does that help considerably??


    In short... what are your thoughts on flash sites? Do you think you have to be rather "well

    known" already to get away with using one? I am still open to doing a non flash site to.

    What online webdesign sites would you recommend using to revamp my site with?

    Thanks a million I really appreciate the information

    Happy holidays!!

  9. Hello again...

    I have recently taken a shot of a catholic priest for an editorial in the magazine

    I am shooting for. The priest saw the shot in the mag and contacted me

    because he reallys likes the photo. He wants to use it in a brochure for a

    speech he's making for the archdiocese... my question is what would you

    charge? He is a priest. However I'm not sure that means I should treat this any

    differently. Just wanted some opinions and thoughts. $150? $250? More?


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