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Posts posted by matthewkane

  1. Hello... I just wanted to know if anybody has a decent wedding contract that they

    might be able to link me to? Or email to me? I shoot digital so if anyone has one

    pertaining to some of the digital issues as well that'd be great. I just need something

    to start with that has a lot of the legal jargon in it and then I can add a few things to it

    and personalize it.

    Thanks a million

  2. Hello and thanks for stopping... I am located in Denver and I came across an

    ad on Craigslist from a food company looking for a few product shots. I have

    only done product shots once as I am a wedding/portrait photographer.

    However I could use the extra money, so how do you think these were lit?

    How hard would this be to recreate and how much would you charge?

    They want something similar to what they already have here:

    <a href="http://www.larabar.com/apple.html">Apple bar</a>


    <a href="http://www.larabar.com/cherry.html">Cherry bar</a>


  3. My manual says nothing about the fastest possible flash duration from the

    monolight. However I know this light is capable of doing so. It's not an el

    cheapo unit, there is a 7 f stop range of power, I can reduce it from full power

    to 1/4, to 1/32nd, to 1/128 the total power. It has 660 "effective" ws and

    something like 20,000 lumens of power.

  4. Ok I think I am beginning to understand this... but in the simplest of terms what w

    ould you recommend I try to do here with my 10d? I know I can reduce the strobe to 1

    /4 of it's power and I know it can be extremely fast. The only problem is we don't t

    ypically work in a pitch black room with no ambient light, but I'm sure we could try to m

    inimize it a bit more.

    So put my camera on manual, reduce ambient light, and fire at like 1/500 or faster w

    ith my strobe power way down... is that the general idea here?

  5. Shoot Provia 100f slide film day and night and bring a tripod for night time

    you'll be glad you did. I have done vegas with this combo and been very

    happy with the results. The photos were amazing.

    The results will be great as long as you understand exposure. Best of luck

  6. Yea I don't think you should have that little joke there. It may be no big deal

    but at the same time some prospective client may think it's pretentious or what

    have you. Stick to the tried and true. Your personality can come out when you

    meet with them. Just my opinion though.

  7. Ok I was photographing some swing dancers tonight and using my monolight.

    There is still a hint of motion blur during mid air toss shots... Now if memory

    serves me correctly you can only sync a flash to 1/200 or 1/250 and any faster

    than that and if begins to chop the photo and blacken half of it. I own a canon

    10d and have a white lightning 1600 and I use the hot shoe flash to trigger or

    my sync cord by the way.


    Now this guy was trying to tell me that somehow you can make the pop of light

    on the strobe faster like around or upwards of 1/500? And that there is some

    way to make the light burst faster but you don't have to sync it thru your

    camera? That way you can elimiate motion blur? Is this for real? Or is he

    crazy? In a nutshell how do you sync a flash with a camera to 1/500 or faster?

    Am I capable of this with my equipment?

  8. Mac... solid, little to no spyware, viruses, and better security overall. A little more

    expensive but I find it's worth it. They also have a higher resell value, look cooler lol,

    and are much more user friendly. The keystoke abilities are endless and time saving.

  9. Yea I have heard great things about this event as well. How much is it to

    register with WPPI? And how much are tix?

    A photographer I met with here in Denver actually won some awards in the

    competition last year... Supposedly Denis Regie speaks and has plenty of info

    every year. Have fun Stacy I'm jealous.

  10. Let's say you're indoors using a 420ex with a stofen diffuser what is the best way to

    avoid shadows? Keep the subject away from the wall and shoot at like f8?

    With the stofen you're supposed to angle it at 45 degrees and it seems to cast nasty

    shadows when bounced especially when you want to use a wider aperture.

    What do you think?


    Now if you only had ONE monolight how would you set it up for a nice group portrait?

    What position? Above and behind you?

    Do you recommend umbrella? Softbox? Reflector Dish?

    Also consider that I am on the move and portability and quick tear down is important.


    Just thought I'd get some advice!


  11. I have a softbox already but it is too big to bring to weddings. It's 49x65. lol

    However the results would be great if I had an assistant.


    So with a one light set up most of you aside from using on camera flash are

    recommending that I just get an umbrella and position it above and behind me and

    fire away?

  12. I recently ordered a calumet nova softbox and they told me that they no longer have

    silver interiors in them they discontinued this option. Is a silver lining or optional

    silver lining essential for portraiture?

    Can't I just buy silver umbrellas to achieve that same effect?


  13. Hey I have heard a lot of good things about the Calumet Nova softboxes... I was going

    to buy a white lightning softbox probably 30x60 today for $140 but I am not sure

    there is a lip on the box that seperates the diffusion screen from the box? If there is

    it's only like 1/4 in, I have heard that having a lip helps direct the light better and is

    desired. I read some threads about the Calumet Nova softboxes and people seem

    thrilled with them, and I know they have a lip for accessories. The 49x65 is $200 and I

    just wanted to know some thoughts or experiences with White Lightning boxes vs.

    Calumet Novas?

    Which to buy?


  14. Ok I just want to ask if anyone can help me figure out why my prints look so

    contrasty on the FCA lustre papers? They use a Noritsu 2900 i think it is.

    I calibrate my monitor, use the labs profile, etc... Is the lustre paper inherently

    more contrasty? The lab says they don't make ANY adjustments whatsoever

    they print as is. I notice it in the eyes of my subjects often they look too dark

    almost black sometimes.


    Any suggestions on how to avoid this from my end on my comp or there end?


    I also notice the lustre papers photos to not look quite as sharp. Does glossy

    give the illusion of being Sharper than lustre? Are there big differences aside

    from the surfaces between the FCA lustre and the glossy that I don't know



  15. Hello I thought I'd ask this loaded question as I am trying to determine what to

    offer package wise, album wise, etc... I am rethinking it all. I want to keep it

    simple yet I want to encompass what people expect from a photographer.


    Please explain to me briefly what you offer. Your packages consist of what?

    How are your prices structured?, Do you offer albums.. if so what album

    service do you use?, Include Cd's/Dvd's or Do you online proof? etc...

    Do you post all this info on your site yes or no, why?


    I am not so much looking for advice on what I should do, I just want to hear

    what you all have tried and or why something works or hasn't worked for you.

    Thanks in advance

  16. Hey is the general rule the bigger the better? If I can afford to get a 30x60 I should

    right? Instead of a smaller one. This will be my main light for portrait work and

    shooting smaller groups. A 660 watt second monolight will be sufficient for a giant

    softbox correct?


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