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Image Comments posted by steveshinn

  1. The incredible color of these birds is amazing and to just have them hanging about in your garden... what a treat.


    You folks "down there" certainly have the market cornered when it comes to colorful birds.


    Nice work Louise, thanks for sharing and

    Have a Happy New Year.

  2. Hi Mark, thanks for your comments.  This is the sort of thing that I wish that more folks did instead of just posting some useless number. 


    I messed with the crop on this image longer than I probably should have but I wanted to bring out the action in the image.  The full frame is fun too and I have posted it here. 


    As usual, I invite all viewers to download the larger file, adjust it with their ideas in mind and post it here.  If anyone wants to know how to do this;


    Click on the image to get the larger file

    Right click on the image and select Save As and put it on your desktop

    Open the image in Photoshop or whatever, adjust to your liking and save BUT BE SURE THAT THE LONGEST SIDE of the image is NO GREATER THAN 625 PIXELS long or it will not work.

    Now come back to this page and use "Contribute Critique" as usual to post you comments. BUT after you click "Confirm" you will see a small "Browse" window.  Click Browse, find your modified image and click Open.  You MUST put something in the "Caption" widow to proceed.  Click Upload and Viola!


    I look forward to your ideas and those of others.  There are a few folks are a bit sensitive about others messing with their images so have a good look at their own comments and you will quickly identify those who wreak of  unearned smugness.  So far I have had no complaints from ideas that I have posted even though we don't always agree as artists but we can always learn.  I love to see other folks ideas and I learn a lot from them.

    Thanks again.




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