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Posts posted by tony_cabrera

  1. For me...


    After using the D2X for only a couple of gigs, the extra $4000 is worth the:

    - extra MP

    - rugged pro build

    - menu features

    - extra mileage (long term use)

    - large VF!

    - AF (I can now use my lenses to its potential)


    And slap it on a Stroboframe Pro RL and people get out of your way!

  2. Thanks for the comments Dan!


    As a matter of fact, I use a D70 before the D2X and I still carry the D70. With the D70, I could never get the same tone as these photos I've posted. There's certainly a difference in color tone and contrast between the D70 and the D2X. I didn't do any color adjustments at all in PSCS.


    Noise at 800 is good. Although I didn't try Hi1/Hi2 at the wedding, I would bet it's very noisy unless you use post processing noise reduction software of some sort.


    I believe Rich Dutchman and Paul Sokal both do weddings and have also bought a D2X. Let's wait and see their initial experiences. I think Rich has a wedding this weekend.


    Thanks again for the comments...

  3. Aaron, the B&W images are my fault, not the camera's. I tend to use too much contrast on PS and I've been told that before. With just plain desaturate, the B&W images are just as nice.


    The colors/tones are straight out of the camera though, I didn't re-touch those. I did shoot on the warmer side of WB.

  4. OK Ben...


    Here's what I do and I hope I have your approval but that doesn't really matter now does it because I have over 50 weddings this season and I'm only a part time photographer. And the booking season is not even over yet.


    I shoot everything RAW.

    Upload to PC.

    Covert to JPG in batch mode. (I don't to TIFF, I don't have enough experience and resources for that)

    Then I look for any images that need correction.

    If they do, I open the RAW file to edit. 95% of the time, the exposure is good so I don't need to use the RAW files.


    What ever workflow I have works for me and I'm happy with my results. Different strokes for different folks right. There are several pros out there that shoot all JPG's. I'm not one of them, but it's all preference.


    I'm not a seasoned pro like you so I'm not going to pick up debate with you because I know you know way more than I do. All I'm saying is what I do works for me and my clients.


    BTW, that's a cute portrait of you...

  5. THANKS ALL for your compliments, it's nice to hear from photo.neters


    Norman - I haven't printed these. I'm not a full time photographer so I don't own any professional printers. I go to a local lab for prints that also do wedding photography. They use a combination of fujis and epsons depending on the volume I guess. Technically I have copyright for these images since I took them and it does state on my contract that I can use them as I please.


    Paul - Ya so far so good. Manual WB is the way to go. I'll probably get one of those white/warm cards to be sure. I was just merely testing all the auto features on the D2X to see if they can be accurate. I'm looking forward to hear your experience on your next wedding. I want to hear comments from your Canon partners.

  6. Ben/Marc -


    Real men/women shoot JPG! LOL just kidding...


    Scrolling up this thread, I never said JPG is good enough for weddings. So I don't know why I'm getting beat up for it. (yes I did tell Shun on another post that I was going to shoot this wedding with JPG at the reception and RAW for church) Because I received the camera just before the wedding and didn't want to pay local prices for extra cards. I'm confident in my reception shooting (thanks to Nikon's consistent SB800) so I settled for JPG. I usually shoot everything RAW and will do that this weekend if I get my cards in by tomorrow. Otherwise it's RAW at church again and JPG at reception.


    The point I was trying to make with "If you shoot it right the first time" was that you don't need to spend your life in front of the PC if you get it dead on when you shoot it.


    Never said anything about JPG vs RAW. This is not a JPG vs RAW thread...

  7. Just to add to John's points... and I'm sure this has been said millions of times on this forum.


    A camera is a camera, digital or film. If you shoot it right the first time (exposure is dead on and framing is good), you don't need to do anything on your PC but download and burn to CD and take it to the lab.


    No need for apologies John, this is everyone's thread. LOL

  8. Juan -


    "What flash" - SB800


    "black and white, were they straight from the D2X" - No, did them on PSCS, D2X doesn not have B&W settings (as far as I know)


    "what iso" - 100 outdoors, 320 indoor reception, between 500-800 at church. Hi1/Hi2 has significant noise so I probably won't use that.


    "what more did you shoot at?" - not much but this wedding


    The detail is there, no doubt about it. If you wander over to nikonians.org, there's plenty of people and links sharing full size JPGs and NEF files. (20mb files)

  9. OK guys, I know these files won't do justice to the quality of the

    images. But at least you can see some samples.


    I posted pics on my folder of a wedding I did this past Saturday

    using a D2X, 17-55DX, and 70-200VR.


    What can I say, the camera is awesome! No complaints so far...

  10. I did a wedding this past Saturday using a D2X with 17-55DX and 70-

    200VR. Feel free to check it out on my folder.


    My full review of the camera:

    It's awesome! Forget waiting for the price to drop. It's worth every

    penny. Buy it now, shoot now!


    Since it was the first time I took the camera to a gig, there's not

    enough miles on it to find anything wrong with it. But so far, no



    The files on the gallery don't do justice but at least

    they're "regular shooter" sample images that everyone's been looking


  11. BTW... just thought I'd share this event...


    After shooting a wedding for the first time with the D2X and after edtiting a few photos, I saw dirt on the same spot on all my photos! Just my luck, brand spanking new and I have dirt. At least I think it's dirt.


    So I took it to a Nikon Authorized Center (only a mile from my house) this afternoon. I walk in and said "Am I the first to bring one of these in". Tech guy says "no I've seen plenty". I said oh sh*t, what are the problems. He says, "no problems, everyone comes in to show it off"


    I haven't had a call from them the past few hours so I assume I just have a simple dirt problem and not anything big.

  12. I have SB800 not 600.


    I use rechargable NIMH Energizers and it last a few hundred shots. I was looking into carrying a Quantum but I figured, spend the money on another SB800 and I now carry an extra one in my jacket pocket. Quick switch of SB's if one dies out, no need to fumble around 5 AA batteries. Plus, I have an extra SB if I want to do a little creative remote shooting.

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