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Everything posted by david_carr3

  1. Notice the large head piece
  2. Looking closely you can see the beginnings of the military escort
  3. Each float hand carried on the procession by teams in rows of four
  4. The entrance way leading to upper rooms. No one on it~
  5. I loved the many shapes, converging lines in this tight composition of a room corner
  6. david_carr3

    La Macarena Float

    The float from the Corpus Christi procession displayed in Seville's cathedral
  7. david_carr3

    Child and Man

    Taken in Seville's Corpus Christi procession, I love the contrast between the wry smile of the adult and the innocent playfulness of the boy in the foreground.
  8. Richly detailed ceiling with a central painting
  9. Breathtaking complexity and detail speaking to biblical themes
  10. Very difficult light, processed as an HDR image
  11. I tried to frame the cathedral in Seville using the shape of the tree in Plaza Mayor
  12. david_carr3

    Segovia Castle Turrets

    I liked this small detail, enhanced by the cloudy backgroup, more than the standard shot of the entire structure
  13. david_carr3

    Barcelona Atrium

    The atrium of the Hotel Catalonia Portal de l'Angel in Barcelona. The skylight diffused the interior light to soften the color
  14. I loved the converging lines of this ancient street
  15. david_carr3

    Angel in a Storm

    Angel on a building in downtown Madrid as an affernoon storm moves over the city.
  16. david_carr3

    Andalusian Stallion

    Shot on a breeding farm near Jerez de la Fronterra. Although I would have preferred a slightly more frontal shot the contrasting background is pure.
  17. Incredibly ornate and difficult to manage the light without a tripod. The lower half is the top of the gates walling off access to the altar.
  18. Beautifully lit
  19. Interesting challenge with bright light on walkways, shadows from adjacent trees, but I loved the richly saturated reflection rather than a straightforward shot of the building.
  20. Gardens in the real of the Alcazar photographed in tough, mid-day lighrt
  21. david_carr3

    Church in a Storm

    Storm moving in over Madrid and the Iglesia de las Calatravas. I loved the image of the Angel on the background building protecting the church
  22. david_carr3

    Cathedral and Moon

    Beautiful light in the Spanish hill town of Ronda
  23. david_carr3

    Bicycle Power

    A unique vision in a small square in Granada
  24. david_carr3

    Alhambra Palace Detail

    The wonderful complexity of the architecture in the Alhambra Palace in Granada
  25. david_carr3

    Alcazar Interior

    Magnificent reflected light in the Alacazar in Seville
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