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Image Comments posted by micheleberti

  1. Hi G.,

    someone talked of this photo as a "light painting". To me this looks much more like a "Photoshop painting". I might be wrong but this is what it looks like to me. In this sense this is a photo-based picture, but nolonger a photo, so a pseudo-photograph. I mean... nothing with u or with the technique u used, result are and still remain great... but I think would be much more usefull for everyone here if u now show us also the orignal shot together with the Photoshopped one.


    Ben composta, davvero ben composta: regola dei terzi applicata al millimetro. Un po' scura per� secondo me Roberto. Almeno mezzo stop in pi� non gli faceva male. Ciao, Buon Natale e un ottimo 2005.


    il vortice c'entra perch蠲isucchia tutto quello che trova e quello che io vedo in questa foto 蠱ualcosa di simile: sembra che ci sia qualcosa o qualcuno che ha preso la terra e la sta tirando dal basso per farla attorcigliare su se stessa....


    Yes, not very special I agree. What I like this is the idea: the good old days when in everyone house over here the baker used to leave everyday the bread in front of the door of each of his clients... nowdays things are running different! Thnx for stoppung.
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