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Image Comments posted by micheleberti

  1. I like the theme of hang sheets and clothes, behind them there are lot of stories. I have many shots like this. I would crop a bit (look above). On my crop I have also played a bit with perspective adjustments.
  2. I would crop different (see above). The legs on the bottom doesn't add too much to me. The bluish ground, especially on the top of the photo, looks a bit too artificial. I would tweak a bit trying to find a different "grey point". In the attachment above I quickly set it on the ground. Better?


    A Day


    Is this a Montage? I think it is. I might be wrong but this really looks like a nice composite. By the way, I would have "composed" in a different way (see my attachment).

  3. this is beautiful. Just composition do not convince me. Why half and a half? Wouldn't have been better here a 2/3th sky. Your 50/50 choice make this a bit static. No badfeelings Igor, that's a great one, consistent with your style, but I would really appreciate to hear from you what u think on my point.
  4. Which DoF guys? Where is DoF here? It doesn't exist because that one is fake. No bad feeling Zafar but u should tell (and teach) to those here who say "great DoF" and to those who are tying to learn something (like me) that THAT DOF is not real. This is just a nice picture with a nice message, but nothing more to me.

    The Kiss

    striking! the scene (I mean.. the kiss scene) is great itself, but the thing which strike me the most and change totally the perspctive here is the man taking a glass of beer to the couple I guess. Without this would have been static. I do not know if that man entered into the frame accidentally or not, but it just works fine here to me. Well seen.
  5. ciao Cristina... e' un po' che non ci 'sentiamo' su questo sito. colpa mia... ma non ci sono stato troppo dietro ultimamente. venendo alla foto io gli farei due cose: ruotarla di 180 gradi e tagliarla un po' all'altezza del massicciato. e' vero che e' un riflesso, ma vederlo a capo di sotto puo' apparire forse troppo. SOlo la mia personale opinione. Fammi sapere cosa ne pensi. Ciao.

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