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Image Comments posted by chilisweet

    ancient angel

    i love this shot!!! my absolute favourite of the bunch! i may not be qualified to say this (seeing as i'm just a newbie in the photography world) but i think you definately have 'the eye' and you should probably thank that teacher of yours! take care, jen

    Pink Sky at Night

    thanks for your comments... and yes you are right, no two sunsets are the same. in fact no one sunset is the same as long as you wait a few minutes. but the rule of thirds is definately something i forgot this time around. i suppose i could crop it. thanks again.


    without the forearm in the background the image wouldn't be the same! wonderful angle, wonderful tones, just wonderful!

    Water flow

    beautiful image.. But I have to agree with Dave about the yellow (unless we aren't having luck with out monitors)...and I believe there is some green tinge on the right side of the glass as well (reflection of someting in the room maybe?). very crisp and clean.
  1. Hey Andre! Thanks for your comment! The curved part of the image is actually a mirrow relfecting a pathway that these trees lined. I cropped it to try to make it as unrecognizable as I could. I'll post the full frame version so you can see what I mean. Thanks again!


    Ash XII

    Thanks for your comment Peter! That is definately something i need to work on... the model said she wanted "a serious look" so i didn't push the issue too much... but i'll most certainly keep that in mind!
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