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Image Comments posted by avid



    This tree stood precariously under some ominous looking thunder

    clouds. Looked like it was asking for it! Imagine the rush I was in

    to compose, focus and click. But what struck me ;) was the light

    toned branches against those deep, dark clouds!

  1. Shilesh, at first look it does look like a heavily processed digital image but after reading the details I see how unusual this film shot is. It looks interesting how all the elements in the scene frame the distant tree. You have done everything by the book to compose the shot. This is where I think the light falloff or vignetting on a lens would add to the image. All in all, good stuff.
  2. This was an experiment in painting with light. The background is a

    book cover on American ghost towns and the horseman is a 3 inch

    action figure of a Nazgol Warrior. Set up on a work desk. Exposed for

    6 seconds in a completely dark room and lit with a flash light. Rain

    added in Photoshop.

    Fall Colors


    Simanta and others, thanks for the compliments.

    I exposed for the Aspen trunks and opened up half a stop. Slightly underexposed, it gave me more saturation and darkness behind the foliage so it can stand out. In the transparency, there is quite a bit of info in the dark parts, so it is not all lost.

  3. Monojit, forget the perspective correction, the basic horizon tilt itself is disturbing. That, you can rectify in Photoshop, purist or not. Otherwise the aesthetic of the image is that of a snapshot. Anyway, beautiful architecture worthy of posting.


    Liviu, It's a good shot documenting life and times (with the cricket players). I probably would have spent time shooting the temple itself. It has character.

    Valley Of Fire


    Thanks, David and Nicolas.


    Strangely enough, I did not use a Polarizer (or any filter for that matter) for the shot. It is the 35mm lens that Zeiss claim to render skies with rich blue colors. There is truth to that after all.

  4. This place, a ghost town in California, reminded me of the Hollywood

    remake of Yojimbo, hence the caption. Shot on Fuji Provia 100f,

    converted to monochrome and film grained in Shake to give an

    appropriate look.

    End of Day


    Heather, you mentioned the sharpness of the driftwood. Is it too sharp? Or not sharp enough?

    On film it is very sharp as is usually the case with Zeiss lenses, but the jpeg compression and resizing has softened everything a bit. Or is it still too sharp?

    Thanks everyone for the comments/feedback.

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