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Posts posted by artflei

  1. Frank, thanks for the info. Concerning XTOL: I have no experience whatsoever with powder developers, and I understand that when you use XTOL the minimum developer solution you get is 5 liters - is this correct?. This really isn't an option for me, since I don't develop that often, and, frankly, I don't even have a large enough container to mix or store 5 liters of solution!
  2. Donald,


    Thank you very much for the detailed answer!


    Since posting my original question I have found another thread on this forum, where someone reported having used HC-110 for pushing Tri-X to 3200. Having also read somewhere that Ilfotec HC and Kodak HC-110 are said to be essentially the same, I decided to give it a try.


    So I developed my Tri-X in Ilfotec HC (1:31, 20°C) for 15 minutes with agitation (2 inversions) every minute. The result is quite good!


    As I have already mentioned I am really a beginner and therefore have not much to compare the results I got to, but I have also recently used Kodak T-Max 3200 which I also developed in Ilfotec HC, and the results I now got with pushed Tri-X are at least as good.

  3. Hello,


    I have only very recently started developing film, and have the

    following question: I want to process Kodak Tri-X 400 pushed to 3200

    in Ilfotec HC. A good idea? How about the developing time?


    Another, more general question, concerning agitation: Kodak says

    agitate every 30 seconds, but in the information for Ilfotec HC it

    says every 60 seconds. Do I agitate according to the information for

    the developer or for the film?


    Thank you very much for your help!

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