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Posts posted by dave_nelson___atlanta__ga

  1. My favorite trick is to ask the person to place one leg forward and lean back slightly. It creates a line making them look taller and, depending upon clothes, slimmer. With a straight or billowy dress or shirt odd shapes can always happen but if you are posing the shot you may use bulldog clips to tighten it up.
  2. It sounds to me like you would not be happy with the 10D or any other 1.6x crop factor camera. I suggest saving yourself a lot of stress and either buy a 1:1 camera ( I don't think 1.3x would make you happy either ) or stick to film for the foreseeable future. Unless you need something else in your life to complain about that is.


    It took me about a month to get over the crop factor and have now learned how to use it to my advantage. I now take different types of pictures than I did with film and focus on wide angle a lot less. I will probably not own a 1:1 digital camera when the 1.6x cameras have all of the same features that I regularly use. I would not pay extra for a 1.3x crop factor compared to a 1.6x, but I will be paying more for resolution, speed, and durability.

  3. This happened to me on the 4th of July while shooting fireworks. The camera was set for action shots and I had probably taken 100 or so pictures very rapidly, then boom. It sounded like the mirror went up and just stayed there. I looked to see if it was writing to the memory card, which it was for a little bit, but it did not seem to recover after finishing.


    So I popped out the battery for a second and put it back in. Shot 100 or more pictures afterwords with no problem.


    Some time I do not think it is shooting as fast as it should.

  4. I did not keep this lens long enough to have a focusing problem with a 10D. But being new to non-cheapie photography I had a very hard time with the 12-24mm (19.2 - 38.4mm with the 1.6x). It is very different from say a 17-35mm or 28-75mm.


    I returned the 12-24mm and bought the Tamron 17-35mm XR Di (27.2 - 56mm) and have been really happy with it. Maybe in a couple of years I will be ready to give 12mm another go once I understand its limitations better.

  5. You will need to format it on your computer first with FAT32 or FAT16 then I suggest formatting it again on the camera.


    BUT ===========================


    The card may not work with the rebel at all. ComputerGeeks.com has some MicroDrives that would not work in the dRebel at all. But I see that those have sold out and now they only have a few of the IBM MicroDrives left. 340MB for $59.



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