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Posts posted by robert_landrigan

  1. My G2/G1 combo is our default vacation cameras, light, easy to use, and gorgeous lenses.

    The focus, as everyone's saying, is great after a few days playing with the camera - as much

    as I love my M6, i use the contax when i don; want to have to worry about focusing and

    exposure, and the keepers are at least as numerous from the G2 as the Leica. Nothing like

    being able to get good 11x14's from what works as easy as a point and shoot!

  2. I really like the Shen-Hao back - although it's admittedly somewhat a luxury item:) 120 is

    much easier to process for me, and especially since the only 4x5 film i can pick up locally is

    Trix 320, having the option to shoot the far wider range of 120 is nice to have.


    And, yeah, 6x12, for some silly reason, just look so cool:)


    (Let's face it - photography is often irrational. Have fun with it!:)

  3. Well, I'm headed to Lake Tahoe/reno area next week, and will have at least 2 days to myself to photograph

    the area, and My Linhoff keeps staring at me.


    I wasn't planning on taking the beastie along, BUT...


    Was wondering if anyone could speak to LF film availability in the Reno area - I really would prefer to

    subject the film to the possibility of xrays only once, if possible.

  4. Martin has a good idea as well - a spring-tensioned shower curtain rod, with lightproof or as

    close as you can get curtain, can be taken down and stored in the bathroom or near quickly.

    I use such a setup in my laundry room, and works wonders(well, except in summertime when

    it get a touch warm).

  5. The 85 1.8 is a gorgeous lens, and at f4 or smaller there's just no reason to go with a more

    expensive version.


    Compared to the 70-200, at similar apertures you see a slight edge on the 85, but the

    handling of the smaller lens is a also a big bonus.


    I'd go with the 1.8, and play with it some wide open if only to try something different, but

    at 5.6, it's a show-stopper:)

  6. It sounds like you want a camera to record your child's first years, rather than wanting a

    camera to start a serious photo addiction and lots of lenses. I'd seriously look at the

    Pentax K100 or K100 Super, with the in-body shake reduction. That and the kit lens will

    make it easy to grab shots that look good of you child, and pentax has some really nice

    lenses as well.


    If you are looking a starting a hobby, then a nikon or canon is easier to find lenses for at a

    price you can afford, and the XTi is plenty. Forget the flash, don;t worry about a lot of

    lenses, just shoot tons and have fun:)


    My boy is 7 months old and i use a beat up Digital Rebel and a Leica M6, the rebel is for

    when i don;t have time to think:)

  7. I shot some nightclubs with an M-6, IR flash, and sometimes unfiltered - it was so dark,

    there wasn't a need(and i didn't have the filter anyway, so...:)


    Admittedly, with the flash, I could stop down more so critical focus wasn't so , well, critical,

    but rangefinders make IR a bit easier.


    But having a viewfinder that actually works? HUGE advantage.

  8. Hm. I don't have any info on the Kodak, but you may want to look at the Jobo ATL-1500

    processors on *bay - you load the film onto reels, fill the tanks, and set the program and it

    does all the rest. I use mine for B/W, except for Neopan 1600(too short of a developing

    time), and the consistency of my negs has been remarkable.

  9. My M6 - all the Leica goodness with a meter. I've played with an M3 and love the feel, but i

    need the security blanket of a meter:)

    Nikon F2AS - Older than me and more reliable. I admit that the brassing makes the camera

    for me:)

    EOS A2 - the first camera that i bought brand new and all by meself, wonderful ergonomics.

    Still have shot the majority of my favorites with this camera - and i love the side strap with

    the vertical grip, ala the M5.

  10. The typography, in a word, bites. The changes are all for the sake of change, and don't add

    clarity or usability - in fact, they detract from usability. The breadcrumb is waaaaay too light,

    and the spacing is horrendous. I use the site mainly thru Safari's rss reader, so i don;t get

    assaulted with the layout too much, but the old, practical version was far preferable.

  11. I've missed her!! Living in Memphis, I've seen the Belle wasting away at the airport, in her

    glory down at the river under a canopy, but still somewhat exposed to the weather, and I'm

    glad she's at the AF Museum - which is an amazing stop. I had the fortune to fly on the

    Collings Foundation Nine-O-Nine, and yes, you very much appreciate the crews after even a

    short 1 hour hop.

  12. EOS 5/A2/A2E with 85 f1.8 = best portrait camera ever. I love the vertical grip on this

    camera, there is no difference in ergonomics in horizontal or portrait, and when the strap is

    set to the portrait lugs, it becomes a perfect street camera - not so much with the 85, but a

    29-105 or 24(one of my fav street lenses), it's a beaut.


    I use mine, although I do dearly wish for a digital model, with an auto-rotate LCD that will

    display in portrait when the camera is oriented so.

  13. Any large, primarily metal, collection of tubes and rods is a potential means of sneaking Bad Things onto aircraft...it's not what they are, but what they could be made into, is the fear. Shrug. It's a pain, but in all honesty this one i can see the reasoning.
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