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Image Comments posted by jbs



    Don't worry, some poeple don't get it and that's ok... I offer this to you(see photo), if you will forgive some posterization from an old 8x10 that I scanned recently, as proof that I 'get it'...;)...J

  1. The angle seems to be off just alittle (ie Richards comment)Moving the shot to the left so that the foreground center rock is lined with the similar one in the background. Still; a beautiful shot...;...J


    Thank you for capturing the entire arch but so much floor with too much doesn't work for me...may be another time of day...if you're facing n/ne I would suggest just as the crests the roof and falls into the room....maybe...;)...J

    the Protector


    Each time I look at this portrait of young love I imagine that the

    woman can't help but feel secure while embrace in this mans arms...

    in addition; the gaze expressed by the man has the look of

    confidant & Protector...

    Thank you for your time ;)...J

  2. Thank You so much for your words. Although I humbly disagree about the efects...This poor photo went through a multitude of looks before ending as this, this unusual look...I have attached a sample...the large photo is the original and as you can see it is quite out of focus and not framed well at all...I was going to dismiss it and send it to the bottom of the digipile but the look on Xaviera's face kept haunting me, seemingly saying, "Use this one daddy". I looked at her mother for the ok to discard the photo but found no such permission in her face. The tonality and expression on the mothers face lent itself to the frame I then began to see the possibilities inside this throwaway...after some pain at sharpening then softening and playing with light and texture it wasn't until I ran accross the botttom middle frame that I new where this one had to go...So in other words; the texture and light and crop and every line is there at my behest. I love the way the eyes are pronounced and surreal~ lips are full~ the texture lines break up the heavy contrast and keep the high keys from blowing out. Again, Although I disagree, I thank you for your time to comment it is most useful even if it only serves to force me to articulate what is good about a particular piece...;)...J

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