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Posts posted by paddler_b

  1. As they say, size is not everything:-)


    It applies here too. You can always get cheap extension tubes and put behind the bellows if you need closer focusing....it works fine for me.


    Not sure how practical t/s lens will be with wildlife, it's not a fast setup. I use it, but mostly for still life subjects.

  2. I have the CA 2500, and the "popping" is not a significant distraction, don't have and don't know about P2000. I imagine P2000 is at least as good.


    BTW. the CF lenses are not for popping effect, they are for that slight curve that even a cold non-glass mount slide has all around it, a popped slide is too unpredictable for the lens to deal with it, it just has to be re-focused.



  3. IMO, nothing in today's market beats 45-90mm for portrait/editorial work, it's the best bang for the buck. Over the years I had two for leica. I don't have first hand experience with their 28-70, sorry.



  4. Not sure how your lenshood looks like, can you not put on the hood first and screw the filter in front of it? I do that with mine to avoid lengthening of the hood effect.



  5. I moved from D100 to D1x, and don't regret the move. D1x doesn't have the pixel count of D70/D100, but its images are more detailed than those cameras. I did the test side by side for myself before selling my D100. I tried different kind of post processing but D1x always came on top. Through trial and error I managed to get resolution close to what Fuji Velvia 100 can produce, that's good enough for me! As far as noise goes, I don't think there is a huge differnece between these cameras. The only negative factor with D1x is the battery, especially in the winter. I hear solution to that is to buy third party battery. In my experience your other assumptions are correct including focusing...D1x was built like F series and everything that goes with it...including the weight:-)



  6. It's at the bottom between base plate and where lens mount is attached to the body, very faint engraving! Nikon wanted to make sure those industrial spies couldn't take snap shots of it at a glance....



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