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Posts posted by eric_rose3

  1. It's kind of ironic when you consider his site is one of the few sites left that still does in-depth reviews on scanners. Which in a sense shows film's continued usefulness in a digital work flow.


    I for one appreciate that he does review scanners and I look forward to the next one.



  2. Oh good, a thread I can actually respond to...lol


    I now take all my film ( c41 and e6 ) to one lab in the region where I live. I have tried many others and they have all disappointed me. But no matter what film I have taken to this lab, Kodak, Fuji, or Agfa they always get it right.


    This lab is running an Agfa analog setup. They never blow out the highlights and the saturation and contrast is always to my liking or at least close to what I would expect for any given film. And they have never scratch it either! They do use Agfa chemicals and paper. But I think the reason they do such a good job is simply because it is run by someone who cares enough to get it right.


    Oh btw, they are also the most expensive. But they are well worth it.



  3. Hi guys, thanks for the input.


    When it comes to EB-3 no one seems to have it in Canada for some reason. I have tried over a dozen stores so far including, Vistek, Henry's, Canada Camera, Camera Expert, Lens & Shutter. If I wanted EBX, ED, EL, the UC negative products or the Agfa line I can mail order them no problem. I am astonished that I cannot find any local photography stores that stock the Kodak UC products though.


    I have sent Kodak Canada another email last week asking where I can find this EB-3 product in Canada and still no reply. It really is kind of funny, they have it on the Canadian website but no product to be found for sale. Too bad I guess.

  4. Thanks for the response Gary. I can tell you it is getting hard find anyone stocking Kodak pro film where I live ( well over 120k people ). Seems the shops here only stock the Fuji pro stuff not the Kodak. Even b&w film is hard to find here. Only one store carries APX and it is often out of stock. It is getting very frustrating. I think I will have to mail order from the US.
  5. Hi all,


    I have search all over the web and I even asked Kodak Canada, they

    told me a month ago someone would answer my question soon. Do any or

    you fine people know if you can purchase the new Kodak Elite Chrome

    100 in Canada? I don't mean the extra color version just the regular

    stuff with very fine grain. I have tried all of the on line stores

    in Canada and none of them list it.




  6. Jim,


    Thanks for the offer. I am in the Kelowna BC area which is quite a distance as you know. I was considering a trip down to WA state but even then I would be looking at 6 hours each way. Something tells me I am going to end up doing without. But I'm not ready to give up yet. If I find a solution ( ha, no pun intended ) I will let you know.


    Eric R.

  7. Hi all,


    I have searched for this but can't find any information. Does anyone

    know if there is any place in Canada that I can purchase Paterson

    chemistry? I got an email from their Canadian distributor saying

    they no longer carry Paterson chemicals because of the low volume of

    sales. If I order from the US it seems the cost of shipping will be

    nuts not to mention any duty etc.



    Eric R.

  8. I agree LD does a fine job of c41 processing. Never had a complaint about any of the negatives being scratched etc. Some LD labs also process E6 and do an equally good job of it.


    I have not been too happy with their prints though. Too much contrast most of the time in my opinion. But they are better than many one hour labs I have tried.


    Scanning and printing at home gives far better results for me. And that's with a 4 ink printer even. I have not tried their scanning service.

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