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Posts posted by philip_meadows1

  1. I am going to shoot one B&W emulsion for one year and do the

    processing myself. I will use ND's if needed to control speed.

    Please advise on best all around film and developer and use of for

    this purpose.

  2. Al, Marc's promoting new business for the camelback drink system for use by overworked photographers. Blad, 2 M's Camelback with 2 litres of coolaid and there's pockets in it for yer film or perhaps in Marc's case, his CF cards!
  3. I can understand the thinking behind this but even so, this package sounds generous. As I've already had the pleasure of meeting Steve and we discussed this a bit my personal approach for the benefit of others would be to shoot 2 rolls per hour and charge $150/hr or 1 roll per hr and charge $100/hr. I then have the film dev only and scanned at the same time (4meg Tiffs). Make a nice corrected CD slide show with music and give them the lot inc negs. I might throw in a reallly nice 11x14" print to make em sick every time the get their reprints done at the lab. They MIGHT come back for more but I would'nt be betting on it. I guess a $700 - $1000 wedding makes sense to shoot digi off the bat.
  4. Marc, thats really funny. I have genuinely suffered from this before! It's especially bad when I go to a job after a massive row with her indoors and I get all friggin guilty!! By the way, sorry I have'nt replied to your last e.mail, I will do so tomorrow.


  5. It's a black art Kimberly. If we told you we'd have to kill you!

    If someone else does'nt pick up the thread and talk you thru it, then I'll try to later on.



  6. Try panning people for variety. It's a lot of fun and can be a way of getting round problems of too slow a shutter speed in certain circumstances. Just don't get too carried away though.<div>008LtM-18124984.jpg.54dd529303cdb6514edcb9f1a0bc7668.jpg</div>
  7. Marc is right on the money and this fiesty little thread ought to stop because it's showing that at the heart of the passion for most is more about justifying ones gear rather than celebrating the era that we are in. I'm hanging up my spurs today and will not post to this again. I trust we can all be friends on other threads. Regards to everyone. Philip.

    BTW Steve, the images compare very very well they are just different!

  8. Al, my comment regarding" the biggest con" is based not on the fact that digital has a market, but more like "we photographers did'nt needt it" I said NEED. The fact remains that film camera sales after the advent of autofocus was dying at a rapid rate. Film manufacturers had plenty of advances to make as far as they were concerned. Kodaks marketing is driven by NASA unlike Fuji who can do what the hell they want. Digital was not invented for the Pro photographer as there are'nt enough of us. We choose to pay (I say we because I probably will buy the CV digi body)outrageous prices for high end development to cover C & N's R&D costs so that technology can filter its way into mainstream cameras at peanuts on the dollar. If you are aware of these facts then thats fine, pay your money and enjoy. However, if you are not, then you have a problem my friend and you indeed need to pull your head out yer ass and face reality. The only problem with having an opinion is having one founded on BS and as I've made a couple of statements already in this thread that were argued, someone has chosen to verify those comments.
  9. Jon, as he said, he's an amateur who is looking for guidance and help. He's brave enough (or foolhardy enough) to post his picture here because he took it with a Leica. Give the guy a break and some construtive critism as another poster has done.
  10. Stephen, I was'nt taking offence. I had my cuppa tea now so I feel much better. In all honesty, it's whats pleasing to us as individuals and as such that gives us confidence to sell or show our work to others with pride. I'm sure we'll all be able to buy film in this free economy called the civilised West for a very long time. And I'm sure that the 100% digital converts who have sold all their film gear will be buying some of it back at some point because taking pictures is fun and mechanical cameras and film is a real part of taking pictures. When cameras first hit the market I wonder if people were saying that painting as dead. The art business is doing very well and I'm glad it is otherwise I would'nt be able to buy my Arhers 140lb HotPress paper for my 7600 to print my lovely images scanned from film. We're all happy!
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