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Image Comments posted by exilephototylerjones


    Nicely composed panorama. At first I was a little dismissive because the golf course is the subject, but if I rexamine it as the golf course and it's sidewalk as a form of "modern nature" in contrast to what should be a natural environment containing a flowing creek, then I can really apprciate this work. I don't know if that was the imagery you were hoping to associate this scene with, but in my mind it works.

    Broken Heart

    The color here is beautiful and very attractive. I like backlit leaves as subjects. I can't decide if I like the overall framing of the subject or if it could use a slightly tighter crop... Regardless, good job, that's a stunning blue tone.

    Pusch Ridge

    Pretty good composition, I especially like how the sky/clouds at the top and the grass at the bottom of the frame sort of sandwhich the subject. The rule of the thirds is applied pretty well too. If this photo were taken in late afternoon sunlight, then I'm almost inclined to believe that the same color photograph would be worthwhile, if not better than the black and white.


    The strikingly colored birds provides a great subject. Pretty well composed, but a slightly tighter crop pulling in the seft side of the frame would help I think.
  1. Pretty nicely balanced and well composed overall. The ambient lighting is about perfect with nothing really blown out. As an architectural subject though, I don't find that this building or it's lighting is all that engaging.
  2. Very nicely balanced and I love the fade from blue to orange. I know that would have been slightly diminished, but I would also like to see the composition with a slightly higher sun.


    Awesome and unique portrait. The hair texture is dramatic and different, especially nice that it curls and wraps up around the bottom of the frame, adding to the impact of the overall composition. The high contrast between black and white is also a very nice touch!

    out of tv

    I like the bleak environment of the photo, and I think that in itself has a lot of potential. I'm not very fond of the coming out of a TV theme though. Maybe I just don't get the whole concept though...

    still life

    Very nice still life. I love the extreme diversity of color from white, to green, to brown. The color differences sort of complete a triangle within the composition which is a nice touch. Good job.


    Great shot and great moment captured. There's only a slight motion blur that detracts just a tad from the overall sharpness, but that could be adjusted I suppose.

    Happy Spring

    I like the subject, but I think that the crop could be adjusted significantly. If it were tilted to the left, and canvas extended with clouds filled in on the corners, then I think if would be much improved. That would eliminate the distractions at the bottom of the frame and simplify the photo to just that of the subject and the cloud/sky background.


    A good abstract I suppose, since I don't have the slightest clue what it could be a photo of... I would rather have some kind of hint though. As it is, it could simply be a computer generated geometric image.

    Quiet Time

    Appropriate title, the photo really does convey a deep sense of tranquility. I think that the the crop could be better if you eliminated a little sky while bringing the right side of the frame closer to the pier.


    I'm not real fond of the black and white water color look. A color version could have a lot of potential I think, or even the original photograph. Aesthetically, the composition is nicely balanced and well composed.

    Hibuscus Petal

    I think that the fan pattern of the veins perfectly balances the composition throughout, but I would like to see the sharpness and the vein detail in the bottom portion of the photograph as well.
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