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Posts posted by david_debalko1

  1. <p>I'm looking for a double camera strap, I'm looking at the Holdfast (non leather) and the black rapid. The Hold fast has a 2nd security hook up to the camera which I like. Wondering about other people's opinions<br /> http://www.bhphotovideo.com/bnh/controller/home?O=&sku=645448&gclid=CIaUwvONy80CFUpahgodu58N-Q&Q=&ap=y&m=Y&c3api=1876%2C92051677682%2C&is=REG&A=details<br /> http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1180726-REG/holdfast_gear_cs01_bk_money_maker_two_camera_swagg.html</p>

    <p>Thanks,<br /> Dave</p>

  2. Yes I did find out it would work with the WT5 transmitter, the UT-1 is $1000 dollars. Probably the nicest Nikon body I've held lately would be the D500 but I don't want the crop sensor.
  3. <p>I like how my 750 handles mixed lighting and higher ISOs, I think it's better than the D4. I think the D4s should be closer to the 750, is that true?</p>
  4. <p>Thank you Shun, About 80% of what I shoot is wirelessly (WT5) transferred to a laptop for the art director to review. Not sure if the 810 uses the WT5. I have not ever needed the huge file sizes.</p>
  5. Take a look at my website to see what I

    shoot - debalkophoto.com.

    Not too much sports. I have a few

    photo friends that are holding off on the

    D5 but I held off on D4s, I'm being told

    the DR of the D4s is better at lower

    ISOs than the D5. I shoot with the WT5

    a lot, the D4s would fit that making the

    D4 a good backup. I also have a 750

    and all the nikon pro lenses

  6. <p>I currently shoot with a D4 and I am very happy with, I can move up to the D5 or purchase a gently used D4s with around 14,000 actuations and save around $2500 dollars. I shoot about 80% at lower ISOs and 20% at higher ISOs. so the decision is D5 or D4s, I would appreciate any opinions<br />Dave</p>
  7. <p>Thanks Craig as well, a video job I took for the end of the month is a violinist playing in a hospital lobby. Not sure I will be able to plug is easily to power so I thought one LED light balanced with the existing light would do the job. </p>
  8. <p>I am a still photographer that is starting to shoot some video with my DSLR, I am looking for a reasonably priced LED light. Working off a nicad battery is a plus and being able to change color temp is also a plus, gel filters would work. - I saw this on B&H <a href="http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/996875-REG/genaray_sp_e_240d_spectroled_essential_240_daylight.html" target="_blank">http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/996875-REG/genaray_sp_e_240d_spectroled_essential_240_daylight.html</a><br />I would like to hear someone's opinion that has experience with LED lights<br />Thanks<br />Dave</p>
  9. <p>Thanks for all the great responses, one review I read actually said the Nikon 35 1.8 was sharper than the Nikon 35mm 1.4 and the 1.4 is very overpriced, so I never considered the Nikon. The store did say they would take back the Nikon 35 1.8 applying the $ to the Sigma. </p>
  10. <p>I am shooting with a Nikon D4, D3 and 750, I am looking for a light alternative to the 24-70 and I purchased a Nikon 35mm 1.8 FX lens, I like it but I wonder if I should have gotten the Sigma 35 1.4, its only a few hundred dollars more, and still a lighter option than the 24-70. I will use it for shooting mainly indoors in dim light. 2 important things to me are reliable focus and a light lens to carry and of corse quality photos. thanks</p>
  11. <p>For me... the 85 focal length is most usefull. I soot it on a FX body. on your D200 body it will act like a longer focal length. I still think you will like it. If you don't use your camera to make a living I think the 1.8 will work fine.</p>
  12. <p>I am in the same situation, I have the 1.8 and am now considering paying the extra money for the 1.4. I am a pro photographer and within the past year started shooting with my 85 1.8 a lot - it has become my favorite lens. When I originally purchsed the 85 I just wanted a small prime lens to carry with me as back up. I do a lot of enviromental portraits, I like shooting pretty wide open. Has anyone else made this jump? are you happy with the results?</p>
  13. <p>I have been using Macs MobileMe Gallery for uploading my customers photos to, I allow customers to download for Position size photos-then when they choose the final photos I create another gallery with high res retouched photos and allow them to download. This has been working nice, I am saving the expense of burning CDs and shipping costs. But I am sure there is a better method for doing this, does anyone else use MobileMe Gallery or can you suggest another method<br>

    Thanks, Dave</p>

  14. <p>A client of has asked if I can photograph a virtual tour of a facility for their website. Not sure what this entails, I am sure a camera on a tripod taking frames in a 360 degrees circle,How wide(or not wide) of a lens to use? Does it require a special pan head for the tripod? What program did you use to put it together? I would appreciate any help. Thanks, Dave</p>
  15. <p>I have replaced the large contoured plastic hood that comes with the 80-200 2.8 AF-s twice and now need another, the problem is the hood stops locking in(design problem) and is easily bumped and will vignette I have been using tape on the hood to lock it it but I am now thinking about trying the HN-28 hood. Which I think is for the older 80-200? Its not as large as the hood that came with my lens, will I be sacrificing shading? Will it store backwards on the lens? Wondering if anyone else has had this lens shade problem? Dave</p>
  16. I recently cleaned my sensor over a friends house

    and he had a simple loupe that was great for seeing dust, it had a

    LED light that shinned on the sensor but it had no name on it and

    he did not remember where he got it

    Can anyone recommend a nice sensor loupe that doesn't cost

    an arm and leg.


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