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Posts posted by danny_lee2

  1. Hi the other day I dropped the camera and broke the 50 1.8.


    I mainly been using it for portrature, headshots and the such.


    I use a 1.6x camera


    I got a 70-200 4


    I am looking to take portraits and I cant seem to decide what lens to get?


    24-70 2.8 expensive, but do able


    17-40 4 kinda short with F4 ?


    50 1.4 300 bucks ! why not pay more and get the 17 40 or even more for 24-

    70 ?



    Just get another 50 1.8. .. ?


    suggestions ?



  2. Hi there.


    the way some people make it sound like... shooting RAW gives you a lot more Dynamic Range, tons of more colors, and is BETTER.


    it may be better, but I can say it isnt alot better. maybe if Jpeg is 98% , RAW is 98.3 %.


    I like Jpegs, the details and quality are top notch to 16x20 prints, and that is from a 1/3 crop of the frame.


    I have no clue how much more you can drag out of a digital sensor, RAW vs JPEG ? black groom and white bride ? I dont think anything can capture details in both, I dont think there is a sensor or an emulsion that can do that ! no way.


    So I shoot everything in Jpegs. EVERYTHING. and I photoshop those Jpegs too, with great results.


    Its easy, quick, compact, and the human eye cant see that many colors anyway.

  3. there is no way you can look like a pro with the rebel xt. grip or no grip, but if you attach it to a big white red ringed lens, then you look like a pro.


    I got my grip because the camera is just too darn small to use with no grip ! and I am too poor to get the 20D. or at least the price difference over performance didnt justify it.


    but keep the grip, unless you have very small hands.

  4. you need the 17 of the 17-40 for your landscapes, as for portraits, use the 40 end, but stand further back, and then crop in post. there are plenty of pixels. I cropped a digital rebel image in half, and printed a 16x20 and it was still sharp and stunning.
  5. Although I dont see the relevance of this question, being the huge price difference and the 1.6x vs FF Chip formats would be the main deciding factors between the two, I have read many many posts about this very same question, and there are scores that argue that the 5D has a bigger range, and scores others who insists there isnt a difference. Noise on the other hand the 5D is better.
  6. Does she have a 'north light window' in her factory?


    Err, no, she works out of the basement apartment, so she will be shooting in room-light, I guess she can take her stuff to the backyard or something. Funny thing, I used to own an Oly E10. It was pretty good at iso 80, but man, that thing is so slow that it would make a buddhist monk out of anyone. ( learning patience ).

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