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Image Comments posted by macgregor_anderson



    Thanks for the comments! I'm glad the juxtaposition of beautiful and damaged worked. I don't often have any message in my photos, but those thoughts were going through my mind with this one.


    VIP, half of Oregon looks like something out of Tolkien. That's why I love it so much.


    Laurie, you may be correct on the horizon tilt. You see, my right leg is about an inch shorter than the left. I just prop up my monitor on the right side with a couple matchbooks and it looks ok. Only kidding. I didn't see that but now that you mention it, I think you are right. If you look at the b/w version it is probably very close to accurate. That large format camera has a spirit level which I remembered to check this time. The negative was scanned while seated in a pretty tight fitting carrier, which was aligned to the edge of the scanner. So that version is probably more accurate. Nothing a little photoshop can't fix. Great catch.





    Hey Leann...I shot it with my 4x5 as well! Just being a showoff :)


    Unfortunately I managed to vignette the top portion of all four sheets of fp4. One may be useable. Thing is, I'm too cheap for a lens hood/bellows for that 4x5 and just hold my hand or a dark slide up to block the sun. Never had a problem with this technique before, but today I managed to do in the sky and the top of the mountains on my great big negatives. Bummer...


    Teach me to show off with crazy old fashioned gear!


    Thanks for the comments. Just a little additional info on the area. The foreground spends much of the year under water. There is a dam just off to the right a ways. These trees were cleared to allow recreational use of the lake. In summer time it's a big boating and fishing area. The fire is probably a controlled burn or else related to logging. There is heavy logging activity in this, and in most of western Oregon. A long time ago, salmon and steelhead ran up this river (the Santiam) to spawn. They don't make it past the dam now, and logging near the coast has greatly reduced their numbers. Things don't look too good at the moment for these fish, or the forests. Makes me very sad too. It's such a beautiful part of the world.



    Not a crop of the other file, but taken same spot with a bit more

    lens. Trying to decide on composition between two. Comments welcome.



    Got to my location late and the sun was very low filtered through

    trees. Couldn't shoot the river and ice again as I wanted, but saw

    this last ray of light hitting some grass and figured I'd give it a

    try. No time for a tripod or multiple shots so DOF is just slightly

    too shallow. I thought the snow in the background made for nice

    contrasting colors.


    it's between six inches and a foot in depth. Pools go to maybe two feet. Current isn't bad. I fish it all the time and know this spot well...it's five minutes by dirt road from my driveway. Sooooooo....I'm acting a little braver than I really am. I didn't risk my life here, but I did risk a pretty nice pair of LL Bean boots.



    The original file isn't blown out...it's my questionable photoshop technique that pushed it that far to the right. I tried masking back the contrast there and used an overlay layer but it didn't work. I should go back to PS and see if I can bring that area down a little.


    Ambitious...you aren't kidding, I was standing on thin ice and I'm a guy who eats too much. The cracking noise was a little distracting. I had little choice in composition here...when I tried getting an angle that took out the lower snow I went through the ice. Wonder how the b/w large format will turn out. Thanks for your comments!

  1. really stunning light. Excellent job with composition...that is where I mess up on these rare opportunities. When the light is fleeting it is so easy to rush the shot. It's great when a very "busy" shot (because of all the tiny branches and leaves) can seem so simple.


    Thanks Jim. It's no masterpiece, that's for sure. But I thought it was a good first try at this shot. Given it was 18 degrees out and I was a little impatient. I'd like a bit more room on the bottom, but it needed a crop there...ice turns to snow right there and was very distracting. Maybe I'll go back out and look for something similar but better.


    Thank you for the kind comment. This is a smaller version of one I have posted in another folder. I can't get into my other online photo account right now and I needed to post this online where size limit is much smaller.
  2. Very powerful shot, with cool lines to it. Unique. Could almost be a lingerie advertisement.


    Honestly, I don't want to look at it as a couple hundred K download on my dirty not carefully calibrated monitor. A nice big print on the wall and a little glass of Laphroig with a few minutes to consider. A savoury shot.




    Thanks for all the great comments. This photo is exciting for me. I'd spent all day shooting neat stands of perfectly vertical ponderosa pines with a telephoto. Those shots came out pretty boring...so I'll keep trying. I have always hesitated to shoot this kind of forest with so much going on and no obvious subject. But the light was so nice I thought I'd give it a try. The results open up some possibilities that I hadn't seen before. It's far from perfect but I'm very satisfied that I've learned something new here. It's been a while since I could say that. Onward...



    Ya, Ya, cheesy postcard wannabe stuff. But it was a nice sunrise

    this morning and at least I got out of bed while it was still dark

    and well below freezing on a Sunday. So I figured I had to share the

    results. Comments welcome.



    Thanks Ron. That is just a rest stop along a good sized highway. Not much to do about the footprints like you said.


    I like bear and cougar tracks out this way, but only when they are not too fresh.



    Lunar Eclipse


    I had the same problem with my D100 and a good 300m f4 lens. Pretty cheap tripod, and shot from an upstairs floor in a house using self timer. Figure there was a fair amount of vibration in the floor. Also considered mirror slap.


    What was your exposure? I was around a second.


    I'd like to learn how to do this better, as I'm sure you would. That last "critique" didn't help much, did it :)

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